Shooting In Asheboro, Nc Last Night, Les Frangines Jacinthe Accouchement, Mayfield Middle School Bell Schedule, Articles M

Click here, Hello 8th grade students and families. For Mayfield's school bus drivers, safety and a love of the job are year-round. 6:30 pm-8:00 pm HS Library, Christopher Harper, Superintendent School Start and Dismissal Times: 8:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Twitter (opens in new window/tab) This page will share pertinent information with Mayfield Middle School students and parents. FOCUS FORWARD: Building our Organizational Excellence, together! School Information. This website is maintained by District Clerk Debra Javarone and the districts Public Information Specialist. They love teaching and have a passion for practicing their art as educators. Regular bell schedule. 1 0 obj Thanks all of our veterans for your service. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. The Flu season has begun and Flu is currently active in Manassas City and communities nationwide. School Map with grade level entrance Show All News Masuda Middle School 17415 Los Jardines West, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-4250 Our talented and passionate faculty engage with students to make the most of every minute of every school day. Graves County Middle School 625 Jimtown Road Mayfield, KY 42066 Phone: 270-328-4890 Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. Mayfield Woods Middle School 7950 Red Barn Way Elkridge, MD 21075 P: (410) 313-5022 Course Catalog 2023-2024 Mayfield High School Alumni Transcript Request Form A.M. Please see the attached letter with further information regarding the 8th grade trip. Building Schedule: Students may enter the building at 8 AM. Mayfield Middle School Yearbook Sales. 405 South Euclid Avenue, Pasadena, California 91101. Director of Student Services Full-time and part-time positions are available. Talbert Middle School. Seniors from Mrs. Doty's Psychology and American Political System classes donated their time and their backs to planting 8,000 pieces of garlic at the Regional Food Bank farm. PORTRAIT OF A MAYFIELD WILDCAT: This is the North Star for Every Student. Clubs and Activities - At Mayfield, we provide an extensive intramural program as well as a variety of after-school clubs. F: (410) 313-5029. Our teaching practices are both reflective and responsive to the needs of our students. <> MTA Scholarship Game postponed until Wed, March 8 at 5:30 p.m.; doors open at 5 p.m. Save the date: Drama Club presents James and the Giant Peach Mar. Our Vision COVID-19 and other illnesses are also active in the community. Every month, one of our schools or programs will be featured as the Board of Education Mayfield Spotlight and showcased at the regular monthly board meeting. %PDF-1.5 7950 Red Barn Way. Academics- Most of Mayfield students will learn in a team environment. HCPSS strives to create a positive and respectful learning environment for all students and staff. Are you ready to start a career in education? Drama Production "James & The Giant Peach". 2 0 obj Use our locator New to Howard County? xM6} A1]-E/smKliKTHD(Fo.z9].w\crWr=.yh|^xE+q/^xy.q/^xy?e!?%U}k> Bri Johnson wins FulMont Junior Artists Competition & Exhibition award, Abrianna Hayes wins Saratoga Arts exhibition honors. endobj The School Board of the City of Manassas does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, disabilities, or national origin in employment or in its educational programs and activities. Hg3f9jp1 xy?eIq4$bl|7@yV'-b,V*Bt86'b\6=jyy?eIh1.B ]fg/8b;,+Nap?/&/8OY^qcb-. Part of the Howard County Public School System, Servicios de Idiomas | | | Holhlei Riantuanmihna, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Click below to learn more and to register for the events! Many classrooms have movable walls between them which allow for larger rooms for team exercises. Mayfield Middle School Western Oaks Middle School High Schools Putnam City Academy Putnam City High School Putnam City North High School Putnam City West High School Parents 2022-2023 District Calendar 2023-2024 District Calendar Back-to-School Information School Hours Weather Information Bus Routes and Information PTO Tips for Parents Safety Daily Bell Schedule. Students are able to participate to their comfort level in our PE/Athletics program. Mayfield City Schools. 2:45 pm-3:15 pm HS Gym, BOE Meeting Both language arts and math are 90 minutes, and science and social studies are 45 minutes. 2nd Period - 8:48 - 9:28. Click here 22-23 MMS Clubs for a list and details. <> It is the goal of the Mayfield Central School District that this website is accessible to all users. Mayfield Woods Middle School. You epitomize what it means to lead from the heart, " said Superintendent Dr. Michael Barnes. We are proud of the warm, caring, and spiritual learning community we have established. You can order these from Mrs. Burchett in the band room. Joy is everywhere here at Mayfield Junior School. 4 0 obj After your information is complete, you will receive a confirmation number, and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications. The classrooms have windows which open to the outside as well as a large window which overlooks the pod commons area to allow teachers a direct vision of the hallways and restroom entrances without leaving their classrooms. Please fill out this form and submit it by March 17th if you are interested in being a participant at Mayfield Intermediate School's Career Day! Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), New Student Registration Grades 1 through 12, Manassas City Schools Volunteer Application, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 9101 Brabham Dr, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 378-4220. The middle school develops confident, articulate, and compassionate students who are well prepared for the challenges of high school and beyond. 518-661-8222 Independent school search website names Mayfield among the best districts in Ohio, The Ohio School Resource Officers Association to present award in June, Mayfield City Schools welcomes Jolene Greve to the Mayfield Board of Education; Ms. Groszek appointed Board President. In addition, every grade level learns about society through our many and varied service learning projects. Lunch 11:30 - 12:00 p.m. 3rd Block Periods 6-7 12:05 - 1:30 p.m. 4th Block Periods 8-9 1:35 - 3:00 p.m. Band - OSSAA Contest @ PCN (during school day). Kyle Rickard from Recreational Dyes in Gloversville visited Jeremy Lebedikers Arts in Business class to show them how to create bright, wonderful tie-dye shirts and to talk about his business model. "A" RATING - District, schools receive an overall "A" rating from Niche, SRO OF THE YEAR: Officer Arch, Gates Mills School Resource Officer honored for his work with students, DISTRICT CALENDARS: 2022-23 / 2023-24 / 2024-25, Board members take their Oaths of Office at the Jan. 4, 2022 Organizational Meeting. 2:00 pm-5:00 pm Auditorium, National Honor Society Induction Phone: 630.375.1010 Fax: 630.375.1110 Attendance: 630.375.3412 2721 Stonebridge Blvd. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 10 0 obj Through diversified experiences, our students discover hope, achieve college and career readiness and succeed in a safe and caring environment. $dO8T~\,2)Lnq/;d7o8d)Kd r49_2?e(,%jK%rBNq{9Fq\B40jl\|P8,hmkIa`_5I\\) Be sure to check out our content on Facebook! Print schedules on separate pages. Description: This freebie includes 8 schedule cards to display your school's bell schedule in your classroom. 7) Hatch Valley High School 17. Mayfield Middle School has many Clubs and Activities available. Mayfield Middle School staff, students and parents are dedicated to rigorously challengingstudents. Our Middle School (5-8th grade) is alive with endless creativity and enthusiasm for learning. 13 students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society in recognition of their achievements and accomplishments at a Nov. 16 ceremony. <> View our accessibility statement. Hayden - Hayden Conference Room - Hayden Con. Mr. Destino met with 7th grade students recently to let them know some details of the trip. 26 were here. endobj Read More Alumni, Citizen of the Year and Steadman Athlete honored at VIP Celebration <> Learn more about the email and text alerts included within your HCPSS News subscription. 5 0 obj Jennifer Sanford Director of Student Services Office: 518-661-8222 Ext. FOCUS FORWARD: Building our Organizational Excellence, together! Mayfield Central School District thanks all of our veterans for your service. Copyright 2023. FVSD is pleased to share that parents can now upload their student's vaccination card into Aeries Parent Portal to support efficient communication between schools and families! Email Nicole Warman 714.378.4220. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Ray Singletary, Supervisor of Teacher Talent and Recruitment, at or 571-377-6027. You can review standards by grade level by clicking. 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Jr/Sr HS Library, Dessert Theatre Every two classrooms share a smaller "tutorial" room that can be used by teachers and students for support education, individual attention, or small group work. A statement from the district said the plane. We are proud of our Arts-focused elective program! The cost is $20 each. 9) Young Women's . Mayfield Intermediate uses a micro-community concept of "buildings within a building" to create a child-scaled, non-institutional environment. Our Mayfield Quality Profile provides a comprehensive report of academics & student learning, student leadership, innovation, parent & community involvement, technology, fiscal management, athletics, arts & activities. Time Daily Bell Schedule 8th Grade 6th Grade Period 1 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Lunch Period 4 11:15 12:05 Period 5 12:08 12:58 Period 6 (RA) Period 7 (RA) 7th Grade 7:55 8:05 8:57 Mayfield Middle School staff, students and parents are dedicated to rigorously challenging students. Please plan to attend at our upcoming Town Hall meetings. Each of the 5th and 6th-grade commons is comprised of 12 classrooms and two resource rooms, totaling 48 classrooms and eight resource rooms. stream Bell Middle School Principal - Mrs. This website was produced by the Capital Region BOCES Communications Service, Albany, NY. 8274 Fax: 518-661-7666 Learn more about our guiding principles and view a profile of our district. <> <>>> 9 0 obj About HCPSS. ! We are excited to announce that, we will be having an end of year 8th grade trip in June! kP{rb7L68+)K+.6m(Pbk0_qB#7n5l/3U8 6:00 pm-8:00 pm HS Cafe, Drama Production "James & The Giant Peach" Middle school teachers challenge and support every learner. Parents can enroll their child once they live in an HCPSS school attendance area. It is the goal of the Mayfield Central School District that this website is accessible to all users. Mayfield City Schools. Phone 619-430-1000 | Fax 619-430-1010. Mayfield Middle School. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. All rights reserved. District leaders share how Mayfield's vision for personalized learning is preparing our students for college, career and life. P: (410) 313-5022. We are piloting a program that promotes deeper connections and skill development through Project Based Learning in grade seven. School Start and Dismissal Times: Please plan to attend at our upcoming Town Hall meetings. Mayfield honors our many NYSPHSAA Scholar-Athletes. endobj Start Time . The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. MayfieldPole Vault: Bradley, Amber Mayfield Hig 9-06.00. Our teaching practices are both reflective and responsive to the needs of our students. The dining commons includes an attractive stage area which can be directly accessed from the instrumental music room. Every Day. 7 0 obj Fax: 518-661-7666 Illness prevention belongs to all members of our community: teachers, staff, administrators, students, family members and the surrounding community. Schedule; Encore. The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Created for middle and high school teachers, this product includes cards for periods 1-8, each with a blank space to write in your bell schedule. The nurturing environment at Mayfield Senior School allows each student to flourish in an atmosphere of personal attention. It is the goal of the Mayfield Central School District that this website is accessible to all users. Tuesday!Early!Dismissal!Schedule!! Be sure your Infinite Campus account and contact information is up-to-date to receive notifications. SCHEDULE; 8th Grade. Copyright 2023. <> endstream School Schedule; Indoor Environmental Quality; News; Calendar; Our Staff; Services; Get Involved; HCPSS Resources. District leaders share how Mayfield's vision for personalized learning is preparing our students for college, career and life. Read stories published by the district's dedicated news team. Coupled with the core subjects like English, Math, Science, History, and World Language we expect students to take weekly courses in Religion, Drama, Music, Art, Technology, as well as Health and Personal Development. Members of the National Junior Honor Society and Key Club raked nearly 50 bags of leaves on a Friday afternoon in November as a community service for the Presbyterian Church in Mayfield. Students in grades 5 through 8 are beginning to discover their talents, interests, learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses. 5! MAYFIELD SPOTLIGHTS: A showcase of our schools and programs, PARENT MENTOR SERIES: Save the dates for this 4-part Parent Mentor series starting Jan. 30th, COMMUNITY SATISFACTION SURVEY: Majority opinion favors Mayfield's education, teachers and facilities, QUALITY PROFILE 2022- An in-depth look at how Mayfield continues to advance our students, Alumni, Citizen of the Year and Steadman Athlete honored at VIP Celebration, "A" RATING - District, schools receive an overall "A" rating from Niche, MMS Principal Paul Destino named "Educator of the Year" by the Ohio Middle Level Association, SRO OF THE YEAR: Officer Arch, Gates Mills School Resource Officer honored for his work with students, DISTRICT CALENDARS: 2022-23 / 2023-24 / 2024-25, Board members take their Oaths of Office at the Jan. 4, 2022 Organizational Meeting, Service scholarship established to honor Mr. George Hughes. Copyright2023. View our accessibility statement. Fifth-grade students are housed in one side or commons and sixth-grade students in the other. For a complete list of courses please see the course description manual. School Hours 8:50am - 3:38pm Bell Schedules " For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." -Rudyard Kipling . endobj Students start a Pay it Forward room with clothes and supplies for students in need. trip. National Honor Society students and advisor Pam King joined with members of BPHS's NHS and Key Club and Boy Scout Troop 5051B to help the Broadalbin-Perth Lions Club with their Christmas tree-wrapping fundraiser project at Bob's Trees. We offer Concert and Chamber Choir, Robotics team, and Academic Decathlon as alternative enriching activities for our students. 3) Las Cruces High School 96. Announcements Attendance Band Bell Schedules Building Information Calendar Child Find Clubs Counseling & Guidance Course Catalog 2023-2024 Departments District Forms Excel Tecc HS Community Flyers Job Placement/Work Permit Information Library Resources The gymnasium bleachers seat approximately 560 people and can be divided into two sections when conducting simultaneous activities or classes. 1600 North Purdue Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73127 | (405) 947-8693 | Website. Canceled: MMS Gr.6-8 Spring Choir Concert. They are in the process of forming values and making choices that will define them as they mature into young adults. Spring Break (No School for Students and Teachers). Mayfield Middle School has many Clubs and Activities available. Aurora, IL 60502 Email District 204; 204 Tipline; School-Specific Concerns; IPSD Essentials, Richard Somers Fax: (703) 724-1086. Couple all that with the strong sense of community that Mayfield is known for and you have well balanced children yearning to show what they can do as they enter the adult world. Mayfield Woods Middle School 2022-2023 Bell Schedule.pdf, Mayfield Woods Middle School 2022-2023 Alternate Bell Schedule.pdf. Linda Woo-htay Middle School Teacher. Access your students information and classroom instructional tools. 3rd Period - 9:31 - 10:11. Collaboration, Critical & Creative Thinking, Curiosity, Communication, Scholarship and Personalization, Independent school search website names Mayfield among the best districts in Ohio, The Ohio School Resource Officers Association to present award in June, Mayfield City Schools welcomes Jolene Greve to the Mayfield Board of Education; Ms. Groszek appointed Board President, Order Your 2022-2023 Yearbook for Mayfield Middle School deadline is Monday, March 13th. Read More 8th Grade Trip Schedule ^ Commonly Accessed Links and Info for Students, Parents and Community Contact Us. MMS is now selling yearbooks for the 2022-2023 school year. 7:00 pm-10:00 pm Auditorium, Drama Production "James & The Giant Peach" We are excited to announce that we will be having an end of year 7th grade trip in June! Comments (-1) . Trailside Middle School. Students are not grouped by ability at Mayfield Intermediate although two gifted and talented (GT) clusters are available for identified students. Overall Score 31.95/100. Phone: (571) 252-2280. There is something for everyone here at MJS. Email: 4th Period - 10:14 - 10:54. . Christopher Harper, Superintendent 518-661-8222 Email: Starting pay $22/hour. Elkridge, MD 21075. Noted for its rigorous academic program, which includes 28 Advanced Placement and Honors courses, Mayfield's curriculum is underscored by a philosophy of educating the "whole child," which also . Through diversified experiences, our students discover hope, achieve college and career readiness and succeed in a safe and caring environment. 11:00 am-4:00 pm HS Gym, Sr. Class Group Photo Bell Middle School About Us Daily Bell Schedule . stream Independent research firm conducted survey Sept. 19-26, 2022 to gauge residents' views about Mayfield City Schools. Mayfield HS seniors gained a view of future opportunities from a panel of 15 alumni, a mixture of college students and members of the workforce, at a Nov. 22 assembly. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. All-city for Band on April 27 at OHS Gymnasium, All-City Concert for Orchestra on April 26, 2023, at 7:00 pm at OHS, Every Student, Every Day, the Importance in Attendance Social Media Kit, Review and Revision of the 2024 English Standards of Learning, Carta sobre la prevencin de la influenza, Supervisor of GT Program chosen as one of EdWeek's "2023 Leaders to Learn From", Team from Metz Selected as State Finalist in STEM Competition, Former MCPS Student Earns Division's Teacher of the Year Recognition, Metz Teacher Receives a "Big Day" Donation, Outstanding Elementary Student of the Year Award goes to BIS Student. Nicole Warman Resource Teacher. CDL training provided. Email Kelly Walters 714.378.4220. endobj endobj Mayfield Middle School Western Oaks Middle School High Schools Putnam City Academy Putnam City High School Putnam City North High School Putnam City West High School Parents 2022-2023 District Calendar 2023-2024 District Calendar 2023 Graduation Ceremonies Back-to-School Information Bullying Prevention Bus Routes and Information Connect The district is not responsible for facts or opinions . In-Person Job Fair, Saturday, March 25th, from 9 a.m. - Noon If you are interested, register here and you will be contacted regarding your appointment. Email Linda Woo-htay 714.378.4220. Every Day. Principal Bridget Beichler. 8:00 a.m. - SafeSchools Clever Education Verification Elementary E-Resources Gale eBooks (see librarian for login) Google Classroom Illuminate ISearch MAP - K-2 WARM UP Middle School Honors Offerings NWEA MAP Test Site Pearson SuccessNet - Math XL OELPA Practice Tests Plato PowerSchool STUDENT PORTAL Rosetta Stone Proquest eLibrary Schoology Sora eBooks . La temporada de gripe ha comenzado y la gripe est actualmente activa en la ciudad de Manassas y en las comunidades de todo el pas. 1st Block Period 1 - 2 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. 2nd Block Period 3 - 4 9:05 - 10:05 a.m. % Find out more. Photo by Landon Clark. Discussion topics include schedules, grade transitions, mental health and self care. Visit the Clubs tab for a complete list of tentative clubs and intramurals. Mayfield Middle School Western Oaks Middle School High Schools Putnam City Academy Putnam City High School Putnam City North High School Putnam City West High School Parents 2022-2023 District Calendar 2023-2024 District Calendar 2023 Graduation Ceremonies Back-to-School Information Bullying Prevention Bus Routes and Information Connect Bayfield Middle School Bell Schedules. Students start a Pay it Forward room with clothes and supplies for students in need. Bell Middle School. Visit the Clubs tab for a complete list of tentative clubs and intramurals. Building Design - Mayfield is a two-story facility consisting of a central wing with two identical wings located on either side. 1st Block Period 1-2 8:00 - 9:25 a.m. 2nd Block Period 3-4 9:30 - 10:55 a.m. You epitomize what it means to lead from the heart, " said Superintendent Dr. Michael Barnes. Receptionist and Administration- Guests at the school are greeted by a receptionist located at the front entrance of the school. A Focus on Individual Growth. 27 School Street, Mayfield, NY 12117. Middle school is a key period of individual growth and identity development. 6) Deming High School 23. CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - Mayfield City School officials said a small plane made an emergency landing at the middle school on Tuesday morning. 3 0 obj The School Board of the City of Manassas does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, disabilities, or national origin in employment or in its educational programs and activities. Building Design- Mayfield is a two-story facility consisting of a central wing with two identical wings located on either side. P: 405.947.8693. Communicating, coping and connecting: Pat Fish from Sweethearts & Heroes returned to Mayfield in January to work with students on this and more. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Ray Singletary, Supervisor of Teacher Talent and Recruitment, at or 571-377-6027. Please see the attached with further information regarding the 7th grade trip. <> Alumni inductees Anne Hu, Class of 2005 / Hester Peirce, Class of 1988, Daryl Sanders, Class of 1959, Steadman Athlete Jim Mormino, Class of 1994 and Citizen of the Year Shelly Blanchard honored. La prevencin de enfermedades es responsabilidad de todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad: maestros, personal, administradores, estudiantes, miembros de la familia y la comunidad que nos rodea. View Map. El COVID-19 y otras enfermedades tambin estn activas en la comunidad. 11 0 obj 8274 Please help us congratulate our February 2023 Students of the Month. PARENT MENTOR SERIES: Save the dates for this 4-part Parent Mentor series starting Jan. 30th, MAYFIELD MINUTE: Take a minute to learn more about our Mayfield City Schools, MAYFIELD SPOTLIGHTS: A showcase of our schools and programs, MMS Principal Paul Destino named "Educator of the Year" by the Ohio Middle Level Association. Office: 518-661-8222 Ext. Our Middle School (5-8th grade) is alive with endless creativity and enthusiasm for learning. 8219 Fax: 518-661-7666. 8 0 obj Noted for its rigorous academic program, which includes 28 Advanced Placement and Honors courses, Mayfields curriculum is underscored by a philosophy of educating the whole child, which also encourages commitment to and excellence in the arts, athletics, community service and spiritual growth. Mayfield Woods Middle School 2022-2023 Daily Bell Schedule . Be sure your Infinite Campus account and contact information is up-to-date to receive notifications. MCPS will host the following career fair: If you are interested, register here and you will be contacted regarding your appointment. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Please come visit our beautiful campus and experience it for yourself. This website is maintained by District Clerk Debra Javarone and the districts Public Information Specialist. Discussion topics include schedules, grade transitions, mental health and self care. Read the latest news from Mayfield Schools #mychoicemayfield. Students in grades 5 through 8 are beginning to discover their talents, interests, learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses. 2:45 p.m. Find your student's bus number and pickup time. This website was produced by the Capital Region BOCES Communications Service, Albany, NY. Copyright2023. endobj Our Mayfield Quality Profile provides a comprehensive report of academics & student learning, student leadership, innovation, parent & community involvement, technology, fiscal management, athletics, arts & activities. Every month, one of our schools or programs will be featured as the Board of Education Mayfield Spotlight and showcased at the regular monthly board meeting. Our teachers are committed to promoting 21st century skills, such as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication. Sr. Barbara Mullen Mission & Ministry Fund. Collaboration, Critical & Creative Thinking, Curiosity, Communication, Scholarship and Personalization. These teams give a sense of identity to students. Office: 518-661-8222 Ext. Starting pay $22/hour. All Rights Reserved. Kelly Walters Middle School Teacher. Precious J. Hubbard. 1600 N. Purdue Oklahoma City, OK 73127. To prepare, motivate and empower our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective and a respect for core values of perseverance and compassion for others. The interior design of each commons reinforces the idea that it is a neighborhood within the larger school. Established in 1931, Mayfield Senior School in Pasadena, CA is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young women grades 9-12. Principal's Bio; School Governance Team (SGT) School SIte Council (SSC) Testing and Accountability; . 5) Chaparral High School 28. 2022-2023 BMS 8th Grade; Students will be allowed in the building at 7:45 for breakfast. endobj At the dismissal bell, students must exit the building immediately, except if they are under direct supervision of a staff member for practice, meeting, or tutorial. The corridor outside the media center door has a large window which overlooks the dining commons and stage area below. 620 Briarwood Rd, S.D., CA 92139. 20325 Claiborne Parkway. Our kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school experience best prepares students for high school education and beyond. PARENT MENTOR SERIES: Save the dates for this 4-part Parent Mentor series starting Jan. 30th Discussion topics include schedules, grade transitions, mental health and self care. Canceled: Mayfield Athletic Boosters Meeting, Gates Mills Village Advisory Committee Meeting, MAYFIELD MINUTE: Take a minute to learn more about our Mayfield City Schools.