You will be amazed at how much simpler life becomes when you take what is inside your head and write it down. Australia will be stronger and better as a nation if she lets Generation Virgo (now in their fifties) lead her and you tap into that. That we think about Dig for Victory again, as they did during the war in Britain. Nobody knew it would be a virus., The predictions, however, were indicative of large-scale chaos, Sastry says. I also know that a number of countries are now rolling out guaranteed sick leave for all. What we are seeing is a perfect storm pulling in Generation Virgo and Generation Sagittarius older people who are worried about their health and younger people who are used to jetting off on cheap trips to Europe and they clash. And it says the pandemic will be over in the USA on November 11, in Italy on August 12 and in Singapore on July 19. Im sorry but in May 2020 there is a 50% chance of economic collapse. There are many ways to understand the idea that the world is a single complex organism, economics is one way, travel and communication are another, and pandemic disease, which is a way to shock the system.. I say this having seen study after study which proves that your immune system depends partly on not having a stress overload. We will coordinate our efforts because even if we didnt realize it by now, well be forced to see the wrong. (Source: Pixabay), Dietary tips for brides-to-be to look and feel their best on wedding day, To avoid dry patches, dullness, or cakey makeup, make sure you, See more from Penny Thornton via her website Can the situation in Italy happen elsewhere or will it be less bad? Just knowing that can tell us more, from an astrologers point of view., (Jessica Adams also followed up in a detailed second article Corona Virus COVID-19 in Astrology Part II. It also led to countless protests and clashes with police around the world. But it could also herald cuts to scientific funding and a complete restructuring of the aviation industry.. I think its brilliant. The situation in India is likely to ease out by August 2021, but the threat of recurrent waves cannot be ruled out till at least 2025, he mentioned. Musicians on the live circuit will need to think creatively and laterally in 2020, along with promoters. Apart from understandable personal fears, there is also an almost certain prospect of a sudden stop financially as supply chains dry up and international travel is restricted.. The end of plastic. "Once we finish 2021, the first half of 2022 will bring more favorable conditions. Thank you for this article and introduce it me to some unknown astrologers. Today, many people value money and judge others on their wealth. The combination of Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius and Jupiter in Capricorn in 2020 will see a Dig For Victory revolution, and it will start with you and your friends and family. Stay safe and keep posting as we all need some hope By posting a comment you grant Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited explicit and irrevocable permission to publish your comment including your name. He predicts the BA.5 variant, now responsible for more than 85% of U.S. cases, will fall within the next few weeks. Of course thats on hold now. So, even if things look good by then, it is a good idea to wear masks in Nov 2021-Mar 2022 timeframe and be extra careful, he explained in a long Facebook post. We are also going to see new vegetables/herbs for indoor growing. It can be very, very hard to see it at the time because it just feels like disruption. The horoscope also showed bugs and hackers. Ive tested this before in 2018 if you want to see what else is in store in 2020. MOSCOW, April 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The virus that hit us hard is here until at least the Fall or even the end of year, according to Russian astrologer Tatiana Borsch. Thats the way the astrology is going. Italy will leave the European Union which astrology predicted a very long time ago. 1889: Saturn in Virgo square Neptune conjunct Pluto in Gemini. Forget film and television as you knew it, if that is what you are talking about. The astrologer has been able to predict several events before they have taken place and even picked October 1, 2020, as a day of significance in January - which turned out to be the day the. In her recent article How Does Horoscope Work: The Astrologer's Insights, dedicated to International Astrology Day, Borsch gives her insights for 2022 while answering some popular astrology questions. Saturn and Pluto conjunct once every 34 years and it is therefore an important astrological event for the humanity. Does my chart indicate that I should be concerned? Calling astrology a probabilistic rather than a deterministic science, noted astrologer Narasimha Rao said during May 15-June 24, there will be a gradual slowdown. This is the end of the European Union as a whole which was predicted quite a few years ago now of course Britain will leave as planned I think the original prediction was about Greeces referendum if you want to type Greece into Search. The Age of Aquarius also brings a significant change in values, and how individuals treat each other. But I would join forces with other solo artists so you are in a circle or network together. Uranus entered Taurus on March 7, 2019, where it will remain until April 2026. But I need to mention it. Even when personal horoscopes predicted career prospects or marriage, the pandemic-led crisis and restrictions thwarted aspirations. NEW YORK (PIX11) A pandemic-era bonus to the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, ended Wednesday for New Yorkers and the residents of dozens of other states. The death toll today is approximately 575,000. We are all going to have to rapidly place a value on say protecting other people from a virus which may kill them. But there is some positive news about the virus from experts. While a sample of eight flu epidemics can hardly be considered a study, it isinterestingthat Saturn has been conjunct Neptune twice (25% probability) and Jupiter conjunct Pluto three times (38% probability). using eucalyptus oil/ti tree oil everywhere I go, even making up my own hand sanitiser. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Eating healthy and meditation is the need of the hour. Very Interesting! One last thing, I forgot to mention I am a solo act and have been for the past ten years, so if you mention about group dynamic, how is this going to impact me and others who are solo artists only? That is very interesting what you say, and certainly some of the ideas such as special limited edition etc Ive been having recently come into my head way before this current situation happened! The virus continues to spread at a slow burn; intermittent lockdowns are the new normal. "During this new period, people will value other individuals and their potential. The last two Uranus in Taurus periods were from 1935 to 1942 and 1851 to 1859. And this is what some modellers are suggesting." India's tally of over 1.38 crore Covid cases is the second-highest in the world, behind the United States and ahead of Brazil. And I have been constantly getting colds and flu, although my GI issues seem to be on the mend. Put things money cannot buy onto the list. Based on the movement of Pluto, Rahu and Jupiter, Vastu Acharya Srivastava feels that the world will start witnessing better times from January 2022 when Pluto comes back to one degree in direct motion. There are chances that we witness a re-emergence of previous problems and even an uprise of new ones like fungus. Yet nobody has left their home! As a user of this website you agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions. This is all going down in the sign of Gemini, so mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will experience the most chaos this retrograde, while air signs Libra and Aquarius will have a much smoother experience. The fear is actually useful because it is forcing people to wash their hands, avoid large crowds, avoid touching their face and other golden rules science and medicine are giving us. Okay, so youre doing this on Mercury Retrograde, so you always knew it would be a first attempt, second attempt and so on. The cycles of the planets from Jupiter through Pluto trace the patterns of the times, whether in personal or global terms, which is why I have concentrated my efforts here on the major angles between the trans-personal planets. I am a musician, I make a living from music, and have for many, many years both from recording and performing live and travel is very much part of my work, especially overseas tours, which are in no way touristy but more for work ie: performing to people. Unfortunately, there is a chance of yet another wave (or perhaps some other disease outbreak) in India and US during Dec 2021-Feb 2022. Then my ex ( born Jan 5, 1981) reaches out during this mercury retorograde broke my heart 3 years ago and had come during the Leo-Aquarius eclipse period promises this time is different and while I was simply a notch on his belt so to speak the last time around, this is serious. Fortunately, they dont occur in the same year. (Satish Bate/HT Photo) Unless we see four weeks of low and stable COVID . Because of this, and the critical horoscope patterns we can see, there will have to be a dramatic transformation (seating, space, air-conditioning, heating, ventilation) by train/bus/airline companies or they will collapse. You are in a powerful position, okay? We have done that with smallpox, but that's the only example - and that has taken many years. Here it is again: In astrology, a virus, bug and hack are all shown by one planet. Ask yourself what people are going to need while they self-isolate. It's really important for everyone to lead a healthy, positive lifestyle," she said. February 28 Coronavirus, Stock Markets & Saturn Pluto., Thats what I thought we would talk about today, the impact of the Coronavirus, everything that is going on, from an astrological perspective because we are reading it in every headline now this thing is getting serious, at first we understood it was going to spread but we havent seen anything like this in recent history, yes Ebola, but I think this just has a lot more legs is my personal opinion and what Ebola didnt have is the Saturn Pluto conjunction. Home Science The pandemic endgame isn't here yet. The last two Uranus in Taurus periods were from 1935 to 1942 and 1851 to 1859. Sorry. The world is going through a crucial transitional period and 2020 marked the final year of the Age of Pisces and 2021 as the first year of the Age of Aquarius. If you search Spain and Italy you will find an old prediction I made about the fated way these two countries were tied together. The excess savings built up by Chinese households during the past three years of Covid-19 lockdowns will probably generate as much as 600 billion yuan (US$87 billion) of inflow into stocks . For some, I have given dates for February-March 2021.. You always have colds and flu. Im interested in your thoughts regarding this actually age we are in. Yet, you are being set free from something or someone that blocked you for so long. They noted that every virus evolves to sidestep immunity so it can survive. Saturn and Neptune combinations fit the deadly flu virus rather well since death occurs mostly through liquid overwhelming the lungs the patient effectively dies by drowning. Vaccination is a big part of the story: 68% of the state's residents are "fully" vaccinated, which is among . Thank you. In fact, I had even told some of my clients that they might face some health problems, and it came true because of the pandemic., Astrologers predicted something would happennobody knew about the virus, Astrologer Somanath Sastry from Clickastro points out that even while astrologers were making predictions, nobody knew about the virus. Like old-fashioned radio plays from the 1940s but for 2020. I am having talks about working/moving oversees, possibly July time but nothing confirmed yet, especially with this virus in the air. The boom in meditation, home yoga and hypnosis. One is elimination, which is a reduction of new cases to a suitably low number (preferably zero). Its been quite a week in the news, and as astrologers, we consider it our job to look for astrological patterns and predictionsNOT to fan the flames of fear. Baroona. Recently, about 40-45 of my clients got married. What are your coronavirus forecasts for Spain? Mercury turns direct on the 10thand then Saturn shifts into Aquarius on the 22nd(for the first time since 1994). The question of great ages is an old one in astrology and there are plenty of theories about the precession of the equinox and so on. How do you access the astrology show ? You have an income choice to make next week and are concerned. Thank you Natalie. Covid wave will be seen in May to the first half of July as well as December to January 2022. Astrologers argue that they had predicted the onset of a disturbance in 2020 prior to the start of the year. Peace of mind. MOSCOW, April 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --The virus that hit us hard is here until at least the Fall or even the end of year, according to Russian astrologer Tatiana Borsch. An awful lot of economists would say that, not just astrologers! Based on that, people are expected to be recovering this year, and things are likely to be normal by April when Jupiter and Saturn will be quite distant. Did you see my astrology prediction about a new world order with China here (Corona Virus COVID-19 In Astrology Part I): The New World Order Between Monday, January 6th and Monday, January 13th, 2020, there will be a critical change in the balance of power between the United States, China and Europe. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. You have this cycle at the moment where sudden, shocking events (like this pandemic) will liberate you. I am old enough to be in the at risk generation, so am taking precautions to try to protect myself and my friends and family, e.g. The below excerpt is from her Weekly Bite (September 12, 2018) you can read it in its entirety here. Look up Medical News Today advice on immunity. Thanks. Despite the astrology being more similar to the Saturn Pluto 2003 SARS outbreak than the Saturn Neptune 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak, the numbers are veering alarmingly upwards. You are solely responsible for what you post. I am sure vaccination will have a huge role to play in bringing us out of these challenges, he said. situation that begins to be difficult.