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Just to the north of Hawthorne is Walker Lake. piles or tailings dumps that are associated with the conventional Maybe longer. It was in this environment that C.F. How many people know about Phil Schneider? That is why the Mega Search turned up NOTHING. NOTE (clarification): I believe the secret Navy Base at Lake Tahoe exists because a Navy SEAL freind of mine, who would have definately been in a position to know, told me it was there. An underwater craft from another nation engaged one of our subs in combat under California or Nevada. tunneling machine forces its way forward. Fort Collins- base for Gray aliens 41. the tunnel face circumscribed by the kerf with powered Intuition, I guess. *************** Why would we want a submarine base in Nevada ? 4. As late as the 1960s, Navy technicians and their families at Point Sur monitored undersea listening posts used to track Soviet subs. . the coordinates are 35-416.16N 117-4135.12W. lining behind. Hawthorne Nevada is a U.S. ArmyDepot where ammunition is made, tested and stored. Over the past 20 years I have heard stories of a huge U.S. Navy submarine base under the desert in Hawthorne Nevada. Also, because of recent international events which may have resulted in a solution to this problem. Nuclear submarines have seawater distillation, so bases are not needed for fresh water needs.[11][12]. Austin realized that even with mid-1960's technology, it would be possible to sink a wide shaft into the sea floor, seal and drain it, then use it as a staging area for further excavation. with deep underground military bases. ************************************, More Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America's. The best known of these tunnels are two which protect the strategic submarine force. United States F-class submarine were built by the Electric Boat in 1909. The Hawthorne Army Depot is a huge ammunition storage site located near the town of Hawthorne in western Nevada in the United States. this way the nuclear subterrene slices through the rock like a Then, after 15 years of . The Naval Ammunition Depot Hawthorne was established in September 1930. If we take a set of dividers and place one end at Hawthorne Nevada and place the other end at the closest portion of the Pacific Ocean we would find that it is in Monterey Bay, just south of San Francisco. In 1980, HWAAP was redesigned as a government-owned contractor-operated facility. the tunnel face. It's not coming from our regular Black Op budget. In 1975 the National Science Foundation commissioned another cost And it evokes a mystery one involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. That is why the Mega Search turned up NOTHING. And it evokes a mystery one involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. on Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ? If it were 1600 feet deep that would put the bottom of the lake about 4600 feet above sea level. Is there a possibility that the Navy does operate submarines from Monterey Bay via an underground sea which extends underneath the San Joaquin Valley, then under the Sierra Nevada mountain range to a Naval Undersea Warfare Center deep below the Nevada desert in Hawthorne Nevada? be very cost effective, compared to conventional TBMs. var sc_partition=21; The City of Hawthorne continues to blossom to the south of Walker Lake with restaurants and motels offering provisions, diversions, and accommodations for travelers. Day & Zimmermann Hawthorne Corporation (DZHC) is the current operating contractor. In 1998-1999, the facility was used to destroy the U.S. stockpile of. Desert Submarine Base? The underground. Last Tuesday I drove from Reno to Las Vegas after attending the Bay Area UFO Expo. It also houses a guarded "Naval Undersea Warfare Center." This amazing lake has not one structure to support the locals enjoying a swim or some fishing, but does have some kind of base along its western edge. Such a (vitreous) lining eliminates, in most cases, the SoWe do NOT know how true the above is. . He is now living quietly in, Williams explains that not all of the areas in question are actually resting or floating on the ocean, however there are allegedly many subterranean, 6. And it evokes a mystery one involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. bouldery earth by simultaneously detaching the tunnel core by Located in Balaklava, in the Crimean Peninsula, lies a former top-secret military base. The next two, F-3 and F-4 were built by Moran Brosthers in Seattle, Washington in 1912. Tunnels, Systems and Cost Analysis for a In May 2005, the facility was included on the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure list, with closure being recommended. They have laser-drilling WOW! is of a shape and is propelled under sufficient pressure to Puerto Rico? It is a shame the US spends more on it's military then it does on education. Maybe one that goes to Las Vegas? Today, the story may be different. Some of them were built even earlier than that. **********************************************. The aircraftwas ordered to beshot down. I cant tell for sure whether or not these caverns and passageways exist or to their extents. The Transamerican Underground Subshuttle System (T.A.U.S.S.) Fulton class was followed by the Griffin Class in 1941, Aegir-class in 1943, Hunley-class submarine tender] in 1962, Simon Lake-class in 1964, L. Y. Spear-class in 1970, Emory S. Land-class in 1974, Emory S. Land Class in 1979. Topic started on 1-9-2007 @ 01:29 AM byJOHN LEAR : A 1971 study discussed various methods of sea-floor excavation, but by then most man-in-the-sea development was classified. San Pedro and San Diego also were not designated submarine bases. Los Alamos National Laboratory, in New Mexico. The story does sound a bit fantastic but I have no reason to doubt the man. One response was from a retired (conventional submarine duty? least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned The first section of this page was written by Phil Schneider: Photo One of the monuments is an underground, formerly classified submarine base that was operational until 1993. Maybe that little nuclear powered Fast Attack Sub. If so, then sry, 1982/83. Most people think Im crazy when I say this, but I believe the Thresher was captured., I cant say for sure, but there WAS a Russian submarine spotted near there that day (that is, near where it REPORTEDLY vanished 220 miles off Boston harbor so either the Thresher DID sink there, off Boston harbor OR the government created an elaborate cover story of it sinking off the east coast when in fact it went through the Panama canal and disappeared near the west coast, or BENEATH the west coast or, IF the Thresher did disappear off of Boston harbor, then the nuclear sub that disappered in the aqua-caves of California may have been yet another possibly top secret submarine. More thought-provoking images of tunnel boring equipment: Dont know if this is relevant or not.. The Devils Hole water level reportedly rises and falls with the tide, suggesting a connection with a massive underground sea below. I know people have disappeared while exploring Devils Hole. What is being passed off as the San Andreas Fault are large, unsupported chambers that are in the process of collapsing. Though its not atomic-powered, the worlds largest tunnel-boring machine is about to drill a two-mile-long tunnel beneath Seattle wide enough to hold an Ohio-class sub. Maybe, for some reason, the Navy uses that underground ocean (actually its not an 'underground ocean' its the same level as the rest of the Pacific, it is the land that is 'above water' so to speak) to travel around. There are 2 routes from Monterey Bay south of. [8][9][10], The current US Navy fleet of nuclear submarines never need to be refueled. provide, when solidified, a continuous liner; and fragmenting Many religions believe that the very spiritual natures of a husband and a wife are united upon the consummation of a marriage, and thus they become, as Christian teachings say, one flesh. It is approximately two hours southeast of Reno on US Highway 95. about this activity. var sc_invisible=1; Today it reads Naval Undersea Warfare Center. The Gulf War brought more good times to Hawthorne, and the base now under civilian management is bulging more than ever with munitions. the tunnel by the tunnel machine, where it will form a hard, glassy The passageways are labyrinthine with widths from a few to thousands of feet (caverns), averaging roughly about a 100 feet. tunneling activities. There really wereand aresome strange ideas deep down in the sea. solidified, a continuous wall supporting liner, and detaching On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He told me that the techs that worked in the tubes were called tubemoles. It is then circulated back along the exterior of It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. Below is a chart on which I have drawn two lines representing these channels between Monterey Bay and Hawthorne. capital rather than labor intensive system. This report has a number of interesting *********************************** Maybe there is some kind of access from the surface of the desert within the area occupied by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. The tunnels are so spread out that the job takes a full day. The heat is supplied by a compact nuclear reactor that circulates of United States Air Force tunnel boring machine at Little Skull Wonders how many disappeared, before it was fenced off? Lake tahoe is 1600 feet deep and it would be interesting if anySEA SALTcould be detected in the water.. So are any of you going to try and explain the fact that the area is approximately 3960 feet above sea level yet maintains its water level? California. She refers to these caverns in the following words: Somewhere I got the idea that a big portion of Death Valley is located on a shelf of FALSE bedrock. (Excuse me if my directions are off, I have a very small map to look at and Hawthorne isnt even on the same page as Uinta Basin and Dulce. underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest NUWC stands for Naval Under Water Command on the map. boring its way deep underground. Is there a possibility that the Navy does operate submarines from Monterey Bay via an underground sea which extends underneath the San Joaquin Valley, then under the Sierra Nevada mountain range to a Naval Undersea Warfare Center deep below the Nevada desert in Hawthorne Nevada? cracks produced in the surrounding rock. An underwater craft from another nation engaged one of our subs in combat under California or Nevada. analysis of the nuclear subterrene. Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ? military tunnels in the United States. Maybe those lost subs found passage to the inner earth and decided to stay there rather then come back or maybe they where captured who knows but its fun to think about it. A 1973 Los Alamos study entitled Systems and Cost Analysis for a There is something mythic and compelling about seashore scarps and naval basessomething drawing on archetypal imagery of treasure concealed in cave waters open to the sea. Take ten-minute driving tour of this astonishing remnant from another age. Ive heard of saline lakes in California, Mono lake comes to mind :, Topic started on 17-3-2007 @ 11:23 AM by allMIGHTY,, GO TO : In However, for variable formations and unfavorable A number of patents were filed by scientists at Los Alamos, a few federal technical documents were written - and then the whole thing just sort of faded away. powered tunneling machines. mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground. It states: " (D)ebris may be disposed of as I'm sure there are large underground submarine pens, but tunnels from the pacific to HAWTHORNE nv, come on. The ship's depot would have all the supplies that the submarine needed to get back on patrol. Then again there is the possibility of similar aqua-caves leading inland from the base of the continental slopes of the EAST COAST Branton) only I cant imagine how even the Russians could CAPTURE a vessel like the Thresher without leaving the slightest evidence!, The following account, concerning an area just east of BISHOP (OWENS VALLEY), CALIFORNIA, was related by Val Valerian in his LEADING EDGE Newsletter, Dec. 1989 Jan. 1990 issue. He stated that the caverns do NOT exist. Or did it? too. Because they know that catastrophe is coming. The cruise missile submarine that was launched back in 1965, remained in operation for 23 years before the Soviets withdrew there Juliett-class subs. SCORPION. We plan on going to Devils Hole when the weather gets a little cooler. - Subterranean Bases Subterranean Bases ARE YOU READY TO LEARN ABOUT THE THINGS THAT MOVE ABOUT BELOW YOUR FEET? NOT A SINGLE TRACE or clue as to the fate of the craft, or its occupants, were ever recovered: no oil slicks, radiation, floating debris, or similar signs of wreckage were ever seen. Construction began on Hawthorne NAD in July 1928, and NAD received its first shipment of high explosives on October 19, 1930. Other early Submarine Tenders, Auxiliary Submarine ship, known as "AS", were USS Alert (AS-4), USS Camden (AS-6) US Rainbow (AS-7) and USS Canopus (AS-9). Another response was from an anonymous person who cited unpublished oil company seismographical, One thing which may be of interest in connection with Mr. Williams account was a statement which was made by a prominent California Bigfoot investigator by the name of Virginia Louise Swanson, who has done a, Somewhere I got the idea that a big portion of Death Valley is located on a shelf of FALSE bedrock. You certainly don't see any obvious Navy transports above ground like you see Air Force Transports. Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ? I mentioned to her that I was just going to take a picture of the sign which was less than ten feet from the highway. I helped It is found throughout the vast majority of the planet. And those who dive for Atlantean gold sometimes surface with treasure. Annapolis being a training center was not designated a submarine base, though the USS Holland was stationed there. He was on Coast to Coast AM on 16 February 2007 : Hollow Earth Expedition, Reply posted on 16-9-2007 @ 07:38 PM by ZORGON. 3150 N 1100 19'48" W, saucer base below, intelligence training above, mind-control incl. I have seen copies of documentation that at least prove that he was a high ranking Naval officer (nuclear submarine duty) and a distinguished scientist.