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3:30 pm. I am making a baby dress. Abbr. In your worlds simplest mittens at the THUMB GUSSET section,it starts with set up round and then goes to Round 1 and 2 so.. now i am confused and this might be a very stupid question ,hope you can help, Alexa Ludeman May 6, 2016 @ 3:55 pm, I am knitting the rosebud shawl and I dont know what to do on the first row of chart b where it says A and then B. July 3, 2016 @ my chart looks like this: then an arrow pointing rt and another pointing left in the same square the l l. Can you help? Hi Kristin when working from a chart in the round you want to always start at the right side. 1:53 pm. 1:30 pm. February 19, 2015 @ Alexa Ludeman February 25, 2021 @ Please help! Do you mean there are 2 knit sts and a yarn over within the repeat? JenDS February 2, 2015 @ November 18, 2020 @ I dont get it. I can do colour work, have knitted many nordic mittens, but if a pattern/chart has no stitch squares I avoid it. However, often, as you decrease, the chart will be impacted as you knit less stitches, but the key is to keep patterns aligning on top of one another. Its also weird because that part of the chart has repeat lines, so even if it was marking the center (for reasons I dont know) it wouldnt really be the center because its repeated. Hi Oana Im sorry, I really couldnt say, perhaps contact the designer? Some common mistakes Ive come across are: dropping yarn overs on the WS row, working an SSK incorrectly, missing the psso on a double decrease, loreleieurto 7:14 am. So, here are step-by-step instructions that explain how to hold the yarn in your left hand. And then every chart is different!!!! Row before has 16 stitches. Id suggest you try knitting it, and just see what happens, then if it doesnt work, email the designer directly. April 10, 2017 @ Etc OR does it mean to knit the knits purl the purls without doing the in front and behind cables? Naomi December 28, 2016 @ Instead of purl rounds on the RS, yo, turn the work and knit back. Im just confused in what order i knit chart b and A, alexaludeman 11:31 am. Rita Fishel Rosie The chart is then read from the bottom right hand corner. Hi! 7:36 pm, What do you do when you see the chart with an outline of red and what do you do when there is spaces empty spaces between stitches, alexaludeman Thanks, alexaludeman With the M1 instructions, does chart B show all stitches for that section, or just the center portion? I dont understand the increase instructions however. I have worked through many issues before even getting going, and, from the conversations on Ravelry, expect many more. The pattern chart has 13 stitches which are to be repeated. One partner is 8 stitches. Sorry, Im not much help without actually seeing the pattern, is it knit back and forth or in the round? , Sabs April 10, 2021 @ Have a great day! I.e. Russian knitting symbol. Hello there! For some reason I am able to knit from charts, but each time a new chart pops into my knitting I need a refresher course on HOW to actually use them. October 30, 2015 @ Your email address will not be published. Do I knit left to right on line 1 and right to left on line 2? November 15, 2021 @ Knit one It would appear that I should knit each lines twice but there are no instructions to do so. alexaludeman 6:35 pm. 4:46 pm. November 11, 2018 @ 12:28 am, Hello Im not sure about that specific pattern, however, when no stitch appears, it literally means that there is no stitch worked in that square, you will simply pass directly to the next stitch on the chart, working it on the next stitch on your needles. 9:28 am. A.1 is the name of the diagram, and. 3:28 pm. Ive found bits and pieces of this, but this is all in one place!!!! Much appreciatedI knitted the Celtic Lace into a beanie/hat. July 2, 2019 @ (All worked stitches are worked, all slipped stitches are slipped again). Char A.1 is the name of the diagram, and. Please guide Me at the earliest.. alexaludeman What does that mean? October 9, 2019 @ Beginner Knitting Patterns. If you want a clearly-written first hat pattern, we have a few! February 19, 2018 @ 1:39 am. 9:59 am. It goes to 27. 5:26 am. I am working a lace chart that has blank boxes in the chart. Hi Kate The step ins represent the number of sts that actually exist at that point, so you can just keep following the chart exactly as before, stitch by stitch. If you feel that the yarn is too loose and is hard to control, wrap it around your left little finger. 12:29 am, Congratulations! Knitting Chart Symbols Russian translated to English Thank you!!! by Ragga Eirksdttir), that is knit in the round. 6:59 am, Hahahaha Id not count on standardization where designers are concerned, Susan White Once as first sl st and once as last st of the end.) I feel confident enough to try one nowjust need to decide which one! I had made black/white copies of the pattern pages from the book and so I had not seen that the No Stitch boxes were completely white, while the rest was in another color. Knitting is a 2 handed thing.. Zuzana alexaludeman I feel incredibly stupid. There are written directions for the first 10 rows and a chart for the next ten rows. Then this is the part I find confusing- In 1978, a young surfer came to California on a mission of self-discovery to revive his passion for life. Im attempting to knit my first hat and the instructions make no sense. alexaludeman December 20, 2016 @ So for round 2 is it K1 (main color), K1 (contrast color), K1 (main color) and then on to chart c? For the Antler Hat you are working a number of purl sts (either 3 or 5 depending on your size) between the cables. June 17, 2016 @ Can you please help me to decipher this chart? Thanks, alexaludeman March 24, 2016 @ February 28, 2017 @ July 19, 2017 @ Am I supposed to assume a knit stitch between the ktbl and the yo or between the yo and the p2sso? alexaludeman Hi Margaret Im sorry, I dont totally understand the question? Stephanie 9:15 am. alexaludeman Then it is meant to be a circular chart but the wrong side rows are showing as flat. 4:03 pm, I am trying to convert a cross stitch, to a knit pattern and convert DMC THREAD TO YARN TO KNIT A WOLF ON THE BACK OF A SWEATER. Body of the hat either 2 sets of 12 rows + plain knit body or 3 sets of 12 rows + plain knit body for to desired length. alexaludeman First row. Im reading a cable chart that has different charts across the front some are eight repeats some are for repeat patterns and some are six row repeats so how do you manage a 6 repeat with an 8 repeat and a for repeat so you dont make a mistake? 12:28 pm. alexaludeman 12:53 pm, Hi Sue Its hard to say without actually looking at the pattern, but usually the increase would start on the V, Sarah Useful charts I have found for translating Russian knitting chart symbols into English. I never had any trouble working on an evenly shaped piece, but this one is different for me because it tapers down on both sides. Daniele slm: slip marker. 12:45 pm. Useful charts I have found for translating Russian knitting chart symbols into English. Alexa Ludeman Perhaps Ive been misinformed formed? February 24, 2017 @ October 21, 2020 @ Which pattern is it? Thanks! Suzanne Poorman Landis Turn > or . The very first stitch says it is blank, no stitch and the next two stitches are knit. Hello Thanks. Id check the pattern abbreviations or the chart key / notes. October 6, 2019 @ Can you help clarify? Nancy Seifert Thanks for the advise, Nancy Timm January 12, 2016 @ Rather than reading the first row right to left? September 3, 2021 @ 2:15 am. 2:27 pm. October 20, 2017 @ However, I did find some darling dinosaur patterns under perler bead patternss that were just right. Can you help? 9:20 am. 2:39 pm. Row 6 instructs a m1 knit 3 m1, repeat. So the pattern begins with 28 cast on stitches. Stitches to be knit are on the left needle and stitches that have already been knit are on the right. What am i doing wrong? 11:07 pm. April 18, 2021 @ Suzanne Useful charts I have found for translating Russian knitting chart symbols into English. Im knitting a lace pattern for the first time. February 19, 2018 @ 1:13 pm. In some of her patterns that are knitted flat, all numbers are on one side the right side. I dont know what stitches that should be. 8:29 pm. The omission of wrong-side rows is common in lace charts, because many lace patterns are simply purled on wrong-side rows. Have had to frog my work twice halfway through. First off, thank you for such a detailed and wonderful illustration of how to read charts. 3:36 pm. Here are some of the most basic russian symbols you will find. As I worked through the repeat section once, and then a few rows later, twice etc. Perhaps the pattern uses different symbols than us? 9:54 am, Hi MaryAnn Im not really sure without looking at the chart but there are likely decreases incorporated either in the chart or in the written pattern, grimardfamjam I think I just need to knit it and watch it pan out :), Susie Faulhaber Any help that you can provide would be appreciated. August 30, 2019 @ alexaludeman Emily Wessel Often, an empty square means to knit the stitch, and generally, a yarn-over will be represented by an O in the square. 1:32 pm, Bertha Komm Cable two (2) right. Then youll work the centreline stitch, and work the chart once more, with another 3 repeats of the pattern (the section between the vertical lines). 9:29 am, Hi I hate to say it but I THINK you may have made a mistake. Yet we are treated as simpletons by others who are convinced that charts are so easy (despite the fact that we dont all share the opinion) when we share ours and are frequently ridiculed, derided and made fun of on places like ravelry. 4:18 pm. January 4, 2018 @ Below are two versions of cable symbols and definitions commonly used in the industry. Im really confused about this one. I saw that blog too and will definitely use it for the future. 2:59 pm, Hey. Natalie Sincerely Maddie. The sts are K K YO. Ive worked on this for hours and been unable to duplicate the design on the picture shown. February 17, 2019 @ You might want to try contacting Kate directly to ask, she is lovely, Velma P. Smith I am knitting the Wish Upon A star Baby Beanie from All Free Knitting and I am totally confused by the chart. Help!!! 6:52 pm, Hi, I am hoping you can help me. This 14-language collection was started on the ancient KnitList knitting mailing list. Thank you! For round 3, there are two increase sts at either end of the front section, so would I still be knitting 20 sts before I get the lace chart? My question is do I just read every row of chart from right to left from then on? Charts will either show all rows (or rounds) or only illustrate one side of the work, usually the right side. February 12, 2020 @ June 12, 2016 @ If you would like to help with symbol meanings, written formats or to simply help out another knitter you may do so in the comments section. I cant figure out how to make the number of stitches work. 7:57 am. The first line of the chart is numbered 1 on the left, line 2 on the right. The pattern states to work chart b twice and chart a twice around. This was very written very clearly and so helpful thank you! HI Denise sorry, without looking at the pattern I really dont know! Eg, if there are 17 knit sts the number 17 will be in there. Thanking you in advance for your help!, Emily Wessel Because left handed and right handed knitters usually knit the same way (sometimes varying the way they hold the yarn, things like that) knitting patterns and charts are always (as far as I know) written for the one way (knitting moving from right to left). Am I understanding this correctly?? Alexia 9:04 am. My main problem is that the print on the chart is tiny so unable to read it have tried magnifying glass & magnifying ruler with no success.Does anyone have any tips? Red on the left side says 8 st Repeat but that matches the dark black line on the right, not the red line. So my question is how many stitches am I suppose to have when I complete this stitch. November 28, 2018 @ Warmly, Thank you so much for the quick response! Thank you for making it so clear. An easy knitting pattern over a four row repeat. Zuzana Kathryn alexaludeman You have 19 sts in the letters of your name, you will need a few sts in between, say 3 giving you 25 total charted sts. May 13, 2017 @ In your charts for top down sweaters (swatching yoke of moraine one different colors) the increases are marked with a little m and the key says its a m1 stitch. Hi Dawn I cant really help without seeing the pattern. Alexa Ludeman Hi Laura Im afraid Im not much help without knowing the pattern. A pro-Russian fighter walks past trucks painted with the letter "Z" in the separatist-controlled settlement of Buhas in Ukraine's Donetsk region on March 1. 8:50 pm, Hi Cheryl if you are working back and forth I would think you would start with Chart B, Gloria Currie October 21, 2020 @ When I have paid for a pattern that says it includes written instructions (when they mean a couple of words which obviously pained them to use as they are so sparingly used) but does not include any full instructions for the item to be knitted but rather a horrible chart, it is misleading and very very annoying. 2:21 am. Not sure about the red lines, it should be in the chart notes for the specific pattern you are working, Diana Hi Elaine If you want to enlarge it simply to view on screen, you should be able to zoom in. January 16, 2015 @ Mary Dennis ps its knitted flat. July 13, 2020 @ Lynn Giampetroni It might mean that you turn your work and purl back, they do sound like short rows to me. December 15, 2016 @ I am about to start the Tall Dark and Handsome hat but I dont understand how the chart applies when knitting in the round? October 18, 2017 @ Hi Bertha you can convert a cross stitch chart to a knit pattern, each cross would be a knit stitch. Im doing this pattern: and Im confused about the chart to begin with. One chart for the left, one for the center, one for the right of the back. Above that, the next row has 7 chains only. A dot as purl on RS. 11:58 pm. February 24, 2017 @ I have a feeling its simple but Im just not getting it. 9:33 am. This was very very helpful. But what if the next row only has one symbol (7 Doubke crochets) In chain? Thank you! But something has to be done. . Im making a Christmas stocking, using a chart and the directions say All of the sts that are purled on the RS are marked as pattern sts on the chart. Was so glad to find it. October 12, 2014 @ 1:12 pm. May 10, 2020 @ Obviously the pattern is fine, I am just not clear with some of the inc and dec signs which stitch should be inc in the k2tog. Hi Pam That would usually indicate that it starts on the WS, read left to right. You may be right! 1:14 pm. You are correct Kathy, there should be another k1. Each row has a filled in color for the pattern (dishcloth will look embossed when finished as so many do). I used a simpler . Row 3 blocks The one is the bottom row on the right and the 3 is on the second bottom row on the left. Im not sure, is there a key for the pattern? A circular needle holds the stitches between the needles, evening out the distribution. It shows 4 rows that are the repeat rows but does not take into account that the number of stitches per row change as you increase. Hi Judith it sounds like those are maybe non-stitches? 10:47 am. should the chart be read with odd rows left to right and even rows right to left? October 6, 2019 @ August 23, 2019 @ Once I do one section of the 21 stitches, do I then keep repeating that until I get to the end of that first pattern row? 11:33 pm. ~ Em, Linda Hi Zuzana It depends if you are working any of the stitches backwards (eg, your purls are knits and your knits are purls) and if you are working in the round. Im knitting a circular shawl that has several charts. C6F. Edith Are there any stitches outside the 25 stitch repeat? July 12, 2020 @ Im my very confused. marnen The rounds may be numbered or it may be in the chart notes. Thank you, Alexa Ludeman Hello! Knitting Charts. At points on the chart it has 3 in a row? The chart Im trying to knit from has increases in the first row but doesnt show what to do with the new stitches on the second row. 1:36 pm. Updated Terms & Chart Symbols Used in the Patterns from Home Work, 1891. If the chart shows BOTH right side and wrong side rows, you will work the RS rows from RIGHT to LEFT, and the WS rows from LEFT to RIGHT. February 25, 2021 @ December 29, 2016 @ alexaludeman So even if pattern started off not joined and with a RS and WS, when it switches to being joined and knitted in the round, you only read from right side of chart even for formerly WS rows. If I continue on with k or p in empty squares, I am now 1 st off every time there is a slash (k2tog). How do I know what to do with the increased stitches? alexaludeman Id be really grateful for some help. motifs? Thanks for the reply. Hi Nancy I would assume they are no stitch boxes but it is hard to tell without seeing the actual pattern. October 12, 2015 @ 6:29 pm. Is this correct? Ive ripped it out 3 times and I cant figure it out. Can I just follow the chart as written? Hi Kimberly I dont really know without seeing the actual pattern, but I would assume if the pattern has a no stitch you should just ignore it and move to the next square. 1:10 pm. Karen Its all in 11 rib. 10:36 am, Hi instructions on where and how many sts to move the marker are on page 2 under How to shift BOR marker, KTheo I dont understand how they are suppose to go together. November 3, 2021 @ Or is it actually K2 (main color), K1 (contrast color), K2 (main color), and then on to Chart C? My first time trying to knit from a chart which I am finding very difficult. Momzilla May 8, 2020 @ At Tin Can Knits, 90% of our lace patterns use charts that only illustrate the RS of the work, because we find these types of patterns much more intuitive, simple and satisfying to knit. Am I right? So ignore the white boxes and work an ssk for the first charted stitch and a k2tog for the last charted stitch, Viv Stanfield: knit through back loop. I dont have any knowledge of your specific pattern, so I cant speak to that. August 24, 2021 @ Other Russian knitting symbols for large decreases. Alexa Ludeman One chart has a check mark roughly in the middle. So when you see a square that corresponds to CC1, you will knit one stitch with contrast colour #1. 6:52 am. Hi everyone was wondering if anyone knows pink box on a chart means? My question do I purl into the YO when I switch from the RS to the WS? January 13, 2016 @ I have had no difficulties until I got to chart 3. All Rights Reserved. Im sorry, Im not sure which part of the post you are referring to? nancee Im trying to figure out your example and I only see 7 stitch repeat where you are showing rs and ws, Emily Wessel Please help. 11:57 pm. 10:14 am. I dont know what the skinny box is etc. February 8, 2016 @ However, I cant find an answer to this seemingly simple qn about the bracket indicated on the Eyelet Lace chart. example: my chart has K3tog on one end and Knit in front and back on other end? Size 2: 250-300m. Hi Natalie you got it! September 24, 2019 @ Alexa Ludeman Illustrated explanation of Russian knitting symbols. Hi Ellen I think something must be wrong if the stitch count doesnt work. February 26, 2015 @ July 15, 2019 @ The text is in Russian but the illustrations are helpful in deciphering certain symbols! Hi. March 28, 2018 @ June 12, 2015 @ Im totally lost! I would assume so, thats generally how charts work (thats how I would do it). Tracey Fenton Shelley Burt April 20, 2017 @ Is the right side still facing you? 3:43 pm, joy January 25, 2018 @ November 22, 2018 @ July 14, 2016 @ My question is when you are knitting on the wrong side, do you read the pattern left to right OR right to left since the number is on the right? Carla Ficorilli Perhaps they just numbered on the left for convenience but its against all convention that Ive read for charts. alexaludeman Magpie ( Two for one! August 5, 2016 @ October 30, 2019 @ In WS rows p all sts and yos. Confused. 9:17 pm. THIS IS THE HARDEST PART FOR ME KNOW IT SOUNDS STUPID BUT THAT IS THE ONLY Downloadable Project and Yarn Weight Symbols, Downloadable Skill and Yarn Weight Symbols, Submitting a Project Idea Where to Start, Designer Guidelines: Once You've Received the Go Ahead, Make 1 (M1) knitwise on RS, make 1 (M1) purlwise on WS, Make 1 (M1) purlwise on RS, make 1 (M1) knitwise on WS, Sl 1 purlwise wyb on RS, sl 1 purlwise wyf on WS, Sl 1 purlwise wyf on RS, sl 1 purlwise wyb on WS, 1/1 RC (RT) - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k1, k1 from cn OR k2tog but do not drop sts from left needle, k1, drop both sts from left needle, 1/1 LC (LT) - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in front, k1, k1 from cn OR with right needle behind left needle, knit 2nd st tbl, knit firrst st, drop both sts from left needle, 1/1 RPC - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k1, p1 from cn, 1/1 LPC - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in front, p1, k1 from cn, 2/1 RC - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k2, k1 from cn, 2/1 LC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, k1, k2 from cn, 2/1 RPC - sl 1 st onto cn, hold in back, k2, p1 from cn, 2/1 LPC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, p1, k2 from cn, 2/2 RC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in back, k2, k2 from cn, 2/2 LC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, k2, k2 from cn, 2/2 RPC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in back, k2, p2 from cn, 2/2 LPC - sl 2 sts onto cn, hold in front, p2, k2 from cn, 2/1/2 RPC - sl 2 sts onto first cn and hold in back, sl 1 st onto 2nd cn and hold in back, k2, p1 from 2nd cn, k2 from first cn, 2/1/2 LPC - sl 2 sts onto first cn and hold in front, sl 1 st onto 2nd cn and hold in back, k2, p1 from 2nd cn, k2 from first cn, 2-st RC (RT) - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to back, k1, k1 from cn OR k2tog but do not drop sts from left needle, k1, drop both sts from left needle, 2-st LC (LT) - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to front, k1, k1 from cn OR with right needle behind left needle, knit 2nd st tbl, knit first st, drop both sts from left needle, 2-st RPC - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to back, k1, p1 from cn, 2-st LPC - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to front, p1, k1 from cn, 3-st RC - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to back, k2, k1 from cn, 3-st LC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to front, k1, k2 from cn, 3-st RPC - Sl 1 st to cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from cn, 3-st LPC - Sl 2 sts to cn, hold to front, p1, k2 from cn, 4-st RC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to back, k2, k2 from cn, 4-st LC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to front, k2, k2 from cn, 4-st RPC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to back, k2, p2 from cn, 4-st LPC - Sl 2 sts to cn and hold to front, p2, k2 from cn, 5-st RPC - Sl 2 sts to cn, hold to back, sl 1 st to second cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from 2nd cn, k2 from first cn, 5-st LPC - Sl 2 sts to cn, hold to front, sl 1 st to second cn, hold to back, k2, p1 from back cn, k2 from front cn. Kr Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thank you for your time. Thank you, and keep up the fine designs! YouTube:, PLUS A Website also with same video + another similar leaf border pattern w/video. Nancy Ellis The charts are followed as the instructions above indicate. alexaludeman What a helpful site. 2:18 pm, Hello, 2:38 pm. If your familiar with Perler beads, Pintrest has hundreds of patterns online. Lols, desre franco 5:25 am. Thank you in advance for your help! June 8, 2015 @ For example I am working on the cascade 220 traditional Aran pullover when I get to the cable motif because it was made to knit flat it shows all rows in the round how to I deal with the ws rows that you wont do when knitting in the round, alexaludeman