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Some worry it causes cancer, irregular periods. He completed his residency training in emergency medicine at Lincoln Medical Center in theSouth Bronx. "But while no study has positively linked titanium dioxide exposure to ovarian cancer, miscarriages, or UTIs, we also dont have the science to assure us that this kind of exposure is perfectly safe either." And since the chemical is in the cotton plant it will also be in the cotton produced from the plant., how are all these experts not seeing a connection? "Organic tampon companies make claims that the organic tampons are composed of 100% organic cotton, free of chemicals, rayon and synthetics, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, not bleached with chlorine, dioxin free, and free of additive chemicals that may be harmful to a women's health," said Sherry A. Ross, MD, an ob-gyn, author of she-ology and she-ology. Some are alleging that a common ingredient found in many tampon brands called titanium dioxide can cause excessive bleeding, infertility and even cancer. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And many of these chemicals have been associated with contributing to cancer and other medical problems. "The potential risks of titanium dioxide vary depending on the method of exposure," says Dr. Eyvazzadeh. No applicator also means less plastic, less waste, and they're also way more discreet, and I can pack more of them into a smaller space. But we [also] don't have the data to support, Don't worry about this. Including how tampons affect vaginal bacteria. Im 27 years old. What Are the Symptoms of Having Your Period? Because even my doctor was very confused. Once again we are reminded how important it is that we have ingredient information, and how woefully under-researched the potential impacts that ingredients used in menstrual products and intimate care products might be having on vaginal and vulvar health. The FDA has found that regulated amounts of titanium dioxide are considered safe. With these there's no irritation or dryness, I honestly forget they're in. But first. In the emergency room, I assess five primary routes of exposure for a substance when assessing for toxicity: inhalation, skin contact, eye contact, ingestionand absorption. So there are lots of ways to be exposed to this chemical. Ease and comfort all around! These [are comfortable and] do what they need to, and I don't need to worry about leaks the way I used to. I would recommend sharing your story with the company they have long claimed that they get very few complaints for their period products, which we believe to be a lack of reporting rather than a lack of problems. $46 at Amazon. Switch it up: Try something different for a month particularly if you're having some sort of acute reaction and see how you feel, Scranton suggested. Then you can make your own decision. The European Union banned titanium dioxide in food earlier this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agriculture Service. "Titanium dioxide is the naturally occurring compound created when titanium reacts with oxygen in the air," explains endocrinologist and advisor at reproductive-health company Natalist Aimee Eyvazzadeh, MD. TikTokers are raising concern about titanium dioxide, a whitening agent, in organic tampons. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. As far as hypothetical exposure risk, the tampon would pose a more significant exposure as it is worn internally. Tens of thousands of users have flooded the comments many claiming to have had similar experiences. The potential problem lies in the specific chemical. Do you need an 'armpit detox?' I found a TikTok talking about L Organic Tampons and how they have titanium dioxide in them for coloring. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; With all these questions, we turned to experts for answers. None. (no offense) Which is why you might be alarmed by recent claims on social media about tampons. Best Eco-Friendly Applicator: Tampax Pure . Alexandra Scranton, Director of Science and Research. WVEs Director of Science and Research, Alex Scranton, addresses your questions about titanium dioxide in tampons and pads in this session of #AskAlex. As part of the FDAs review, manufacturers submit data including the results of testing to evaluate the safety of the materials used to make tampons and applicators (if present); tampon absorbency, strength, and integrity; and whether tampons enhance the growth of certain harmful bacteria or change normal bacteria levels in the vagina. Visit our press room or contact our communications director. I believe we all have a responsibility to better and more critically appraise social media content, particularly with regard to health and medical information. . The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. If youre still super worried, and I hear you, then use something else, like pads or menstrual cups or whatnot, Lincoln, who has 2.8 million followers on TikTok, said. Inhaling titanium dioxide may also result in adverse respiratory reactions, Dr. Gohar says. It also appears insunscreen and cosmetics, two categories in which the ingredient is also generally considered safe. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We all deserve safe products and all you need to do is ask. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911. Along with being hypoallergenic and dermatologist-tested, the tampons feature twisted organic cotton fibers for added absorbency. "You will want to make sure they are composed of 100% organic cotton, free of chemicals, rayon, and synthetics, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, not bleached with chlorine, dioxin free, and free of additive chemicals.". "could no longer be considered safe" as a food additive, ban TiO2 as a food additive earlier this year, classifies tampons and pads as medical devices, are recommended, but not required, to list their ingredients, may cause cancer based on studies done on animals, government sets limits on exposure for workers, not found any clear link between lung cancer, titanium dioxide can cause alterations to the reproductive system, 26 percent of the global population are of reproductive age. Certainly the laws and the regulatory issues are so paramount because that's how we got into this pickle to begin with, Dr. Cohen said. Once that social media seed is planted, it is extremely difficult to convince people otherwise. If you use tampons, consider the following: If you have had discomfort or became ill as a result of using a tampon, consider reporting it to MedWatch, the FDAs safety information and adverse event reporting program. Tampons cleared by the FDA are meant to be used one time and then thrown away. These are by far the most comfortable, reliable, and absorbent. "They're organic, and I love how compact they are! Meanwhile, in the US, the FDA continues to allow for safe use of TiO2 as a food additive as long as manufacturers provide evidence that it is safe at its intended level of use. What do they know about titanium dioxide that assures them its safe? "[TiO2] may cause cancer based on studies done on animals, and it has been associated with lung cancer when inhaled," says Dr. Eyvazzadeh, which is why the government sets limits on exposure for workers. The FDA has found that regulated amounts of titanium dioxide are considered safe. TikTok is a powerful platform thats influencing peoples lives including their physical health. As shown in the viral TikTok video, some organic tampons contain titanium dioxide as a bleaching agent. It's primarily used to help make white foods appear whiter (like milk and candy) or to lengthen the shelf life of foods that are sensitive to UV light. productslearn more about We know from rat studies, rats that inhale it are getting lung cancer.. Is this an emergency? And do not smoke. L. Organic Cotton Ultra Thin Pads for Women, Regular Absorbency, Free from Chlorine Bleaching Pesticides Fragrances Or Dyes, 84 Count. The suit claims the substance is unfit for human consumption, but the toxicologist stated that the lawsuit is based on gross misinterpretations of the available data to claim a human cancer risk. These are the best organic tampons to shop for: Best Overall: Organyc 100% Certified Organic Tampons. A company spokesperson told theSkimm that the ingredient represents much less than 0.1% of all ingredients used in a [P&G] tampon. And said its been used safely for years. During clinical trials the amount of titanium dioxide used have not shown any increased health risks and there have been no big outbreaks of things like ovarian cysts associated with titanium oxide tampons. Walmart customers love these super plus organic cotton tampons from Lola so much, they have given them an impressive 4.3-star rating. The compound is used safely in many foods and cosmetics, but it's still banned in foods in the UK. (The FDA says that manufacturers can have no more than 1 percent TiO2 in food.). However, there are no trials to validate this finding in humans. However, these studies were conducted on mice who orally consumed titanium dioxide, so we'll still need extensive clinical research on humans before we can definitively link TiO2 with reproductive disruptionor assume those risks definitely come from other intakes of the ingredient. Let's take a moment to review cotton production and the concept of GMO (genetically modified organism) farming. So what can you do to stay healthy and safe? Sign up for the Daily Skimm email newsletter. ", The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved titanium dioxide for human consumptionin 1966, cementing its presence in a variety of foods, including candies and other processed foods. Well+Good decodes and demystifies what it means to live a well life, inside and out. the she-quel and creator of URJA Intimates skincare products for the vulva and vagina. And putting the different limits aside, it can be hard to find titanium dioxide on labels because not all companies are required to list it. The tampons are made from 100% organic cotton that is both soft and breathable. In a post on her Vajenda Substack on Wednesday, Gunter said that as a result of the videos on TikTok, she had received panicked messages from women worried that their tampons were the cause of their pre-cancer of the cervix. According to the brand, these organic O.b. Certainly, we don't have the data to support that alarmist concern. Considering each pack comes with 32 tampons, their price isn't even that bad for an all-organic product! So you can choose whether or not you want to accept a possible risk to have a whiter tampon OR choose a brand that doesnt include it. One reason is that the FDA evaluates whether a tampon enhances the growth of the bacteria that causes TSS before the product can be legally marketed. Chemistry class was a long time ago. Peter Weiss, MD, is a board-certified OB/GYN and expert in women's health. How well do you know the ingredients in the foods you eat or products you use every day? [My container] doesnt say it, but its getting thrown out regardless, because how can I consciously just be like, Oh sure, yeah, I trust you. So yeah, go check your fucking box and if you had any adverse symptoms like her, call a fucking lawyer.. Our editors independently select these products. Titanium dioxide might be one of these.