A list of any available codes for each state is included in Table T1.3. 409.405. 122 0 obj Other Florida sources were not addressed at all by the Bluebook. 0000005915 00000 n UCF library staff are not able to provide any legal advice. xWnF}W# K}vpVPJR6&re-R3gJAt89; bcC}P4#1@qELU1mo4.3O&K@ (b)Consecutive Sections. Also included is the official/preferred code for that state, as well as the proper abbreviations for each code. 0000003036 00000 n 0000014555 00000 n Citing U.S. Supreme Court Decisions REFERENCE LIST ENTRY Basic Format Name v. Name. Identical numbers preceding a punctuation mark may be omitted unless it will cause confusion. page (date). Use the abbreviation ch. when citing to an entire chapter. A Bill is unenacted legislation. Abbreviated name of Constitution amend. A chapter in theFlorida Statutesis not a session law chapter. This guide is intended to help NSU College of Law Students with legal citations, The section number of what you are citing, The year of the code volume (not the year it was enacted. Section 731.34, Florida Statutes (1955), provided for the wifes claim to dower to be free from all liabilities of the deceased spouses estate. . ), published in 1996 by the Harvard Law Review Association, and Rule 9.800, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, which sets forth Florida's "Uniform System of Citation." The Matthewscourt found that section 627.7372 did not bar a cause of action by an insured against his insurer. (2) The official federal code is the United States Code (U.S.C. REV. <>stream in theBluebook, all abbreviations are listed in the tables, which begin on page 227. Guides, Tips & Frequently Asked Questions, The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, The Indigo Book: An Open and Compatible Implementation of A Uniform System of Citation, Florida Style Manual (Florida State University Law Review), Uniform Citation System - Rule 9.800 - Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, Bluebook Legal Citation System Guide (Harvard Law School Library), Introduction to Basic Legal Citation (Cornell University Law School), Style Guides for Citing Government Sources, Other Citation Guides (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc. Code Ann. In state court proceedings, theFlorida Rules of Appellate Procedureprovide that lawyersare to "use the uniform citation system prescribed by rule 9.800" of the Rules of Appellate Procedure. <> ,d, Bluebook Table 1 lists the citation structures for all U.S Jurisdictions. Eliminate the section number and catchline unless it is needed for a specific purpose. (optional if citing to the current code - Bluebook R. 12.3.2 per the 21st edition of the Bluebook), The abbreviation of the code used (here, U.S.C.A. Next, click on "Constitutions and Statutes" in the left panel on the next page. Name of Act (Year) 3553 (2008). In general, you should cite statutes (laws/act) to their location in the online United States Code (U.S.C.) State statutory compilations can be found within Table T.1.3. 1.3 Acts, Laws, Bills, Treaties, Constitutions, 3.3 Legislative Bill Information Publications, 3.4 Committees, Subcommittees, and House Councils, 6.8 Parenthetical Indicating Statutory Change, 8.7 Public Employees Relations Commission Decisions, 8.8 Florida Public Service Commission Decisions, 8.10 Florida Administrative Practice Manual. Instead, use "Id." then the new section or subsection number. Do not capitalize or abbreviate the subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, or any other subdivision classification in textual discussions. at 897 (e). and Special Session of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature.. L. No. 897 (f). If subsection (6) is controlling law, one election board is sufficient for this precinct. . 32 Fla. Stat. Article number in Roman numerals. Rule 9.800: Florida's "Uniform System of Citation" In state court proceedings, the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure provide that lawyers are to "use the uniform citation system prescribed by rule 9.800" of the Rules of Appellate Procedure. BluebookRule 12.2.1 requires that you cite to the official code of each stateif available. 2d 935 (Fla. 3d DCA 1988). The Bluebook is the standard reference source for American legal citation. 168 0 obj Basic form Abbreviated name of Constitution art. During the debate, Representative Abrams noted that section 119.07(1)(b) had provided that when the nature or the volume of a request . Federal Statutes (Rule 12): A full citation to a federal statute includes three basic elements: 1. Section number. The date of the code is not necessarily the same as the year the statute was published, If the information cited is found in a supplement, include the date of the supplement. startxref See supraRule 5.7. Be sure to check out the videos that explain what each part of a legal citation means. . Uniform Citation System This rule applies to all legal documents, including court opinions. In some instances you may need to give the name of the statute within the citation. How do they treat the case? Section 731.34 provided for the wifes claim to dower to be free from all liabilities of the deceased spouses estate.94. Below you will see examples of bluebook citations for various common authority types. Last Updated: Jun 9, 2022 11:11 AM https://nsufl.libguides.com/bluebook For California statutes, the Bluebook allows citations to Deering's California Codes Annotated (available in print and on Lexis) or West's Annotated California Codes (available in print and on Westlaw). Note: The volume and page numbers refer to U.S. Reports. (2000). H.R. This Florida Style Manual provides meaningful citation forms for Florida-specific materials. 125 0 obj 1983. 122 20 In the 20th edition of The Bluebook, legislative materials are found in Rule 13. 95-403, 27, at 3338-39, Laws of Fla. 364.339, Fla. Stat. 0000008567 00000 n <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(Legal Writing and Research Commons)/Rect[137.2383 199.1906 306.7939 210.9094]/StructParent 6/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Indent the first line of a block quotation when quoting the entire text. City of N. Miami v. Fla. Defenders of theEnv't, 481 So. Whenever possible, cite to the official codification of Florida law, theFlorida Statutes. Capitalization 1.1 Particular Persons, Places or Things 1.2 Headings and Titles 1.3 Acts, Laws, Bills, Treaties, Constitutions 1.4 Government Entities 2. Chapter 380,Florida Statutes, requires that before undertaking . It is therefore best practice to consult theBluebookwhen citing a statute from a new state. The LegalEase Citations Bluebook Citation Generator is designed to make the process as simple as possible for you while producing a completely accurate statute citation - no matter how complex. United States v. Lane, 474 U.S. 438 (1986). 2913.02. Sess. 309 Village Drive 0000001181 00000 n 2913.02 (LEXIS through file 59 (HB 1)). 0000001720 00000 n <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(Legal Writing and Research Commons)/Rect[137.2383 199.1906 306.7939 210.9094]/StructParent 6/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> 130 0 obj Name of the subject matter (if arranged by subject). 1994),repealed bych. The United States Code Annotated is published by West and the United States Code Serviceis published by LexisNexis. L. No.'), Section Number, Volume Number followed by 'Stat.' and the Page Number of the Act (Year the Statute was Passed). 159 0 obj The Division provides numerous cross-reference tables in each volume of the statutes. For special rules and exceptions, please see Rule 12. Basic Format . 1975). Stat. 92.53(1), .54(1) (1989). . Statute Citing 101 Both state and federal statutes are published in books called codes, usually having the statutes compiled by title or subject matter. When a statute appears in a replacement hardbound volume, the citation . A writer should cite a state law in the APA 7th edition in the same manner. 328 (1991). The first time a statute is cited, there must be an indication of the year of the statute under discussion. 129 0 obj endobj Cite a statute in its location in the U.S. Code. To find the date for the supplement or the pocket part, look on the spine of the volume or the front page of the pocket part. Ann. 159.09 (West 1993). Do not confuse names of statutes with titles of acts. Use the following template to cite an e-book or pdf using the Bluebook Law Review citation style. If the current version only appears in the supplement, then the correct citation would be: 18 U.S.C. The first citation to a statute in the text of the document must be accompanied by a footnote identifying the full citation form of the statute. The United States Code is the official code for federal statutes. f s u . Ct. Oct. 8, 2014). Stat. Books Example of a book: Cases If it is not covered by Rule 9, then follow the Bluebook rules 3 Bluebook vs. Rule 9. f s u . All authors should strive to properly cite sources in all documents, whether legal documents or scholarly works. When citing the print version of an official or unofficial code, the year should correspond to the year indicated on the spine of the volume, the year that appears on the title page, or the latest copyright yearin that order of preference. 0000014739 00000 n \ WKGD6=+j}<3Pns6jr-`~fY"3cmEX97$KbDS42+MQVDmQA/y24". Remember that when citing to an annotated code, cite only to the text of the statute, not to any of the annotations or other editorial enhancements. If the date spans multiple years, give all years covered. The Manual supplements the uniform citation system for Florida legal documents, Rule 9.800, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the standard citation authority for American legal journals, The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (18th edition). <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 119 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> If the cited statute has been repealed and recodified elsewhere, use either the form (repealed and recodified (year)) or the form (current version atFla. Stat. xxx.xx (year)).. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 established the Council on Environmental Quality. Sotolongo v. State, 530 So. Use the designation section even if the reference is to subsections, paragraphs, or other subunits of the section. This table provides the reporter names and abbreviations, statutory compilation names and abbreviations, and citation conventions for all federal and state courts. Not only will it increase the integrity, reliability, and persuasiveness of the instrument, but it hopefully will result in better manuscripts that ultimately will advance legal scholarship and public policy in Florida. 2. %PDF-1.7 % Material. endobj <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents()/Rect[72.0 612.5547 124.3037 625.4453]/StructParent 2/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> In GovTrack.us, a database of bills in the U.S. Congress. L. No. Florida lawyers have two main sources of citation forms: The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (16th ed. Citation Guides: Citing Legal Materials from Westfield State University Florida Style Manual section number). ___ N.C. ___ The blank cite is then followed, after a comma, by a regional reporter citation and the date of decision (in parentheses . 92.53(1), .54(1), Fla. Stat. Bills - legislation introduced by the Senate or the House of Representatives (that may or may not become enacted law). Section 90.803(23),Florida Statutes, currently provides a hearsay exception for certain statements of a child victim of abuse.85. (Supp. When textual discussion concerns the present state of the law, cite to the current edition of theFlorida Statutes. Created by joel_smith37 Uniform System of Citation - Bluebook ~ Remember to the italics Terms in this set (20) 1. 0000002027 00000 n . 157 0 obj User's Guide to the Bluebook by Alan L. Dworsky; Brian Christiansen. Also included is theofficial/preferred code for that state, as well as the proper abbreviations for each code. Citing Florida Statutes: REFERENCE LIST ENTRY Basic Form Source Chapter (date) Examples Fla. Stat. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents()/Rect[72.0 612.5547 124.3037 625.4453]/StructParent 2/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> The examples on this page are for briefs and memos. x-x (year). Cite the statue using the prescribed elements (discussed on both the Federal and State Statute pages of this guide), but modify the date to show you are citing a supplement section. 128 0 obj See 95.11(3)(c), Fla. Stat. A list of any available codes for each state is included in Table T1.3. To cite a state statute using the Bluebook, you will need the following information: the name of the state, the name of the statute, the public law number, and the chapter number. 0000002649 00000 n When the discussion deals with the law of an earlier time, as in a discussion of an earlier court opinion construing a statute, cite to the earlier edition of theFlorida Statuteswith which the discussion deals. . The Manual supplements the uniform citation system for Florida legal documents, Rule 9.800, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the standard citation authority for American legal journals, The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (18th edition)." Uniform Citation System - Rule 9.800 - Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure Blue Book The rest of the explanations and examples must be translated from law review format to practitioner format, which requires reference to the Practitioners' Notes at the front of The Bluebook. You wish to cite section 777.011 of Florida Statutes Annotated, published by West entirely in the 2013 main volume, for the proposition that "establishing that presence is not required for responsibility as a principal in the first degree." The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation Available at both GL and HL, Call Number: KF245.B58 2010 Introduction to Basic Legal Citation By Peter W. Martin. It is not necessary to refer to the Florida Statutes every time a section or chapter is mentioned in the text as long as the year of the statutes discussed is the same. 1 Rule 9.800 by its terms applies in all appellate proceedings in Florida, 2 and specifies that citations not covered in the rule should follow The Bluebook. 2d 292 (Fla. 1992). endobj %PDF-1.7 % <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents( \n h t t p s : / / i r . I 1983). 33-114(1998) (this would be the format for a brief, Bluebook Rule B12.1.2. Citation to theFlorida Statutesis strongly preferred. 54. Then scroll to the state section on the next page and click on the state of interest to view examples of legal citations for that state. Appropriations Act, https://guides.lib.usf.edu/lawandlegalresearch.