The Parent Pillar is our rating of FISVXs parent organizations priorities and whether theyre in line with investors interests. Targeted Value Portfolio, Dimensional Tax-Managed U.S. The fund normally invests at least 80% of assets in securities included in the Russell 2000 Value Index, which is a market capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the performance. ", Nuveen. This browser is no longer supported at MarketWatch. <bi-shortcode id="summary-shortcode" data-type="summary-shortcode" class="mceNonEditable" contenteditable="false">Summary List Placement</bi-shortcode><p>Dear Readers . naCheckPercent:2}}, {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0Q'})[0].holdingsPercent| The Process Pillar is our assessment of how sensible, clearly defined, and repeatable FISVXs performance objective and investment process is for both security selection and portfolio construction. Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund ( FNILX) {{ fundDetails.morningstar.styleMapAsOfDate }}, As Of That said, theres no lack of conflicting data and opinions on this thesis, depending upon your time frame. Fidelity does not provide legal or tax advice. This fund gives small-cap growth investors broad, low-cost exposure to a corner of the market that may outperform once growth stocks are back in favor. The MSCI ACWI Small Cap Index captures small cap representation across 23 Developed Markets (DM) and 24 Emerging Markets (EM) countries*. So all the funds on this list are mutual funds. "Tax-Managed U.S. The objective of the actively managed ETF Tracking Basket is to construct a portfolio of stocks and representative index ETFs that tracks the daily performance of an actively managed ETF without exposing current holdings, trading activities, or internal equity research. The Forbes Advisor editorial team is independent and objective. naCheck:'Not Available'}}. Average annual returns -31.32% year to date -22.63% one year 10.63% three years Align your investment choices with your personal values. "US Targeted Value Portfolio (I). It is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or otherwise transact in any of the products mentioned. {{([0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Currency Diversification'})[0].holdingSubTypes[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds[0].laggedDate}} Last Updated: January 17, 2023 No Comments 2 min. There are currently no items in this Watchlist. The Small-Cap Value Index Fund is closed to new investors; however, Vanguard manages an exchange traded fund (ETF) version of the investment called Vanguard Small-Cap Value ETF (VBR). Over the longer. Morningstar Category: {{ fundDetails.morningstar.morningstarCategory | naCheck }}, As Of These cookies do not store any personal information. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Analytical and entrepreneurial-minded data nerd, usability enthusiast, Boglehead, and Oxford comma advocate. Roth IRA vs. We'd love to hear from you, please enter your comments. By using or logging on to this website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in Fidelity's Privacy Policy. Fidelity has made a concerted effort of lowering its fees on its broad index funds in recent years, which in some instances are now the cheapest game in town, such as with their small line of ZERO funds with zero fees. This compensation comes from two main sources. Dont want to do all this investing stuff yourself or feel overwhelmed? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Copyright 2023 MarketWatch, Inc. All rights reserved. Fidelity Global Small Cap Fund. (7HANDL ETF). It has an expense ratio of 0.44%. {{([0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Sub-Sector Diversification'} : true)[0].holdingSubTypes[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds[0].laggedDate}} "TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Blend Index Fund. Mutual fund investors looking to tap the small cap market might appreciate this zero minimum and zero management fee fund. The fund allocates a hefty 19% of its portfolio to the industrial sector and roughly 15% each to financials and consumer discretionary stocks. fund, which indicates the maximum level of expenses (with certain Your email address will not be published. The fund's Retail Class shares returned -4.05%, outperforming the -4.96% result of the benchmark, the Russell Midcap Value Index, and roughly in line with the peer group average. * Intended for individuals who manage their workplace retirement plans or other benefits through Fidelity. {{fundDetails.morningstar.ratingsAsOfDate}} It is not investment advice. It has amassed assets over $727.14 million, making it one of the average sized ETFs attempting. Develop and improve features of our offerings. Past performance does not guarantee future returns. Please try again later. Unlock our full analysis with Morningstar Investor. I feel very hurt: My late wifes parents cut me out of their will and reduced my daughters inheritance. The use of the term "advisor(s)" throughout this site shall refer to both investment advisors and broker dealers as a collective term. This fund has about 2,400 holdings and a fee of 0.055%. | Max Sales Charge: {{featureValue.featureValue | naCheckPercent100:2}} Roughly 21% of VSGAXs portfolio is in the healthcare sector, followed by 19% in industrials. Fidelity Flex Small Cap Index Fund ( since 3/9/2017 ) Spartan Developed International Index Pool Class A ( since 8/11/2017 ) Spartan Large Cap Value Index Pool Class A ( since 7/14/2017 ) Spartan Large Cap Growth Index Pool Class A ( since 7/14/2017 ) Fidelity Small Cap Growth Index Fund ( since 7/11/2019 ) and excludes the value of any cash collateral held for securities on loan and a fund's net other . Benchmark: VXUS vs. VEU Which Vanguard Total International ETF? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Investors seeking a reasonably priced small cap fund, with the possibility of outperforming the unmanaged index, might investigate SFSNX. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Fidelity's index fund for this market segment is FISVX, which seeks to track the Russell 2000 Value Index. Dimensional achieves this by offsetting capital gains with losses and delaying capital gains until they are taxed at lower, long-term rates. Our diverse fund line-up is designed to help you meet investment objectives and asset allocation needs. Due to the funds approach, youll find 22.4% in financials, 21.8% in industrials and 14.0% in the consumer discretionary sector. as mutual funds; they dont have ETFs available for these yet. Have your client read it carefully. A mid-cap fund is a type of investment fund that focuses its investments on companies with a capitalization in the middle range of listed stocks in the market. Investment products discussed (ETFs, mutual funds, etc.) {{(compositionService.getHoldingsData([0].holdings, 'Bond Credit Quality', ['0M'])[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:lagPeriod='0M')[0].laggedDate}} Alternatively, you could get FSMAX, which is an "extended market" fund, which means it will have medium cap as well (everything except the S&P500). read. ; Note that we have deviated from the strict index fund classification by including two factor-based funds. {{(compositionService.getAssetAllocationData([0].holdings)[0].holdingSubTypes[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:lagPeriod='0M')[0].laggedDate}}, As Of Richard has more than 30 years of experience in the financial services industry as an advisor, managing director, and director of training and marketing, specializing in Finra exams, investing, and retirement planning. KFCs Double Down isnt the only sandwich going beyond the bun. "Vanguard Small-Cap Value Index Fund(VSIAX). . Intraday Data provided by FACTSET and subject to terms of use. FISVX Fidelity Small Cap Value Index Fund, Check out my flat-fee-only fiduciary friends over at, Lowest Margin Rates Brokers (2023 Comparison), VTI ETF Review Is VTI a Good Investment? Transamerica Large Cap Value Fund (TWQAX). Healthcare dominated its allocation at 21%, followed by financials with 17.2%, and information technology and industrials each with about 15%. The Vanguard Russell 2000 Value Index Fund owns 862 companies with a median market cap of $5.5 billion and an average 12.8% earnings growth rate. (U.S. Stocks), 6 Popular Invesco ETFs for Indexing, Factors, & Income, How to Invest in the Dow Jones Index ETF Options. The TIAA-CREF Small-Cap Blend Index Fund invests at least 80% of its assets in value and growth stocks found in the Russell 2000 Index. VTI vs. VTSAX Vanguard US Stock Market ETF or Mutual Fund? PSLDX A Review of the PIMCO StocksPLUS Long Duration Fund. The Small-Cap Enhanced Index Fund invests about 80% of assets in stocks that make up the Russell 2000 Index, but Fidelity aims to beat the index by using computer-aided, quantitative analysis to make its picks. {{(compositionService.getHoldingsData([0].holdings, 'Total Credit Quality', ['0M'])[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:lagPeriod='0M')[0].laggedDate}}, AS OF As such, this fund is entirely U.S. large cap stocks, though its considered a sufficient proxy for the entire U.S. stock market. How To Find The Cheapest Travel Insurance, Best Investment Portfolio Management Apps, Manning & Napier Rainier International Discovery Fund (RAIWX), Schwab Fundamental U.S. Small Company Index Fund (SFSNX), Vanguard Tax-Managed Small Cap Admiral Fund (VTMSX), Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund (FZIPX), Vanguard Russell 2000 Value Index Fund (VSIAX), Vanguard Small Cap Growth Index Fund (VSGAX), Buy The Dip: Best Cheap Stocks To Buy Now. The Russell 2500 Index is a market-cap-weighted equity index that includes 2,500 mid-cap and large-cap stocks all under a market cap of $10 billion. "US Targeted Value Portfolio (I) - Prospectus. Information, Important Performance and Policy {{([0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Environmental'} : true)[0].holdingSubTypes[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds[0].laggedDate}} Fidelity seems to be winning the race to zero for fees on index funds. Use the fields below to view prices & yields going back to a fund's inception date and distributions going back 10 years. {{[0].indexShortName}}, AS OF Information, {{fundDetails.characteristics.indexShortName}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Sector', attributionSubTypeCode:'primary'}:true)[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.attributionDisplayName | naCheck}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Sub Sector', attributionSubTypeCode:'primary'}:true)[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Asset Allocation', attributionSubTypeCode :'fund_total'})[0].attributionData[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Country', attributionSubTypeCode:'primary'}:true)[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, {{(fundDetails.attribution[0].attribution3MonthsData.attributionInformation | filter:{attributionTypeCode:'Region', attributionSubTypeCode:'primary'}:true)[0].indexLegalName | naCheck}}, This site is for persons in the U.S. only, 401(k) Participants & Employees of Corporations, 403(b) & 457(b) Participants & Employees of Non-Profits, Broker-Dealers,Banks,RIAs,TPAs,TrustInstitutions, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.oneYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.threeYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.fiveYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.tenYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.lifeReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{fundDetails.overview.fundNo | naCheck:'na'}}, {{fundDetails.overview.cusipNumber | naCheck:'na'}}, {{fundDetails.overview.portfolioInceptionDate | naCheck:'na' }}, {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysInDays}}, {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsInYears}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturns.oneYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturns.threeYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturns.fiveYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturns.tenYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}}, {{averageAnnualTotalReturn.lifeReturn | naCheckPlus:2}}, {{fundDetails.overview.mmFundType | camelCase}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].oneDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].sevenDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].thirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].secThirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].milrate | naCheckPrecision:9}}, {{price.milrateYields[0].mtdMilrate | naCheckPrecision:9}}, {{dailyLiquidPt.dailyLiquidityPercentage}}%, {{weeklyLiquidPt.weeklyLiquidityPercentage }}%, {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysInDays}} Days, {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsInYears}} Years, {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthLowNav | checkDollar }}-{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthHighNav | checkDollar }}, {{fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRate | naCheckPercent}}, {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundNetAssets/1000000 | currency}}, {{price.marketValue | naCheckDollarMinDecimal:4}}, {{fundDetails.morningstar.morningstarCategory}}, {{fundDetails.overview.portfolioInceptionDate}}, {{fundDetails.overview.fiscalYearEndMonthName}}, {{holdingSubTypes.holdingValue| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{holdingSubTypes.indexValue | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{ holdingSubTypes.holdingValue| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{ holdingSubTypes.indexValue | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{ historicalEvent.eventType | naCheck}}: {{ historicalEvent.eventText | naCheck}}, {{fundDetails.wamData.durationInYears}} Years, {{ fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRate | naCheckPercent }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].oneMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].threeMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].sixMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].oneYearReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].threeYearReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].fiveYearReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].tenYearReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(indexData.indexCumulativeTotalList| filter:{datePeriod:'Month'})[0].lifeReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2 }}, {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'1Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}%, {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'3Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}%, {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'5Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}%, {{( lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'10Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}%, {{ characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.assetCoveragePercent }}, {{ characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.securitiesCovered }} / {{characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.totalSecurities }}, {{ characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.securitiesCovered }} / {{ characteristic.fundSecuritiesCoverage.totalSecurities }}, {{ attributionData.fundAverageWeightPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.indexAverageWeightPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.relativeAverageWeightPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.fundAverageWeightRescaledPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.indexAverageWeightRescaledPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.relativeAverageWeightRescaledPercent | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.fundCumulativeReturn | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.benchmarkCumulativeReturn | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.relativeCumulativeReturn | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.stockSelection | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.sectorSelection | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.contributionRelativeReturnRescaled | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.contributionRelativeReturn | naCheck: ""}}, {{ attributionData.indexShortName | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.fundAverageWeightPercent | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.indexAverageWeightPercent | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.relativeAverageWeightPercent | naCheck}}, {{ attributionData.contributionRelativeReturn |naCheck}}, {{(([0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Total Number of Holdings'})[0].holdingSubTypes | filter:{holdingSubTypeCode:'HLDCT'})[0].holdingValue | naCheck}}, {{(([0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Total Number of Issuers'})[0].holdingSubTypes | filter:{holdingSubTypeCode:'ISSCT'})[0].holdingValue | naCheck}}, {{((holdingsRoot.holdingSubTypes)[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0M'})[0].holdingsPercent | naCheckPercent:2}}, {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0M'})[0].holdingsPercent| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0Q'})[0].holdingsPercent| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'12M'})[0].holdingsPercent| naCheckPercent:2}}, {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0M'})[0].holdingsPercent|