You'll have a blast and find just what you need at the Tampa Body Mind Spirit Festival. 2023 - all are Florida events except May. The Ocala Shrine Club 4301 SE Maricamp Rd., March 11-12, 2023. 1024 people interested. fair Find out more. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Get Your early Bird Tickets Now! 13 talking about this. Free Admission, 70 Exhibitors, and 48 hours of Complimentary Talks, Workshops & Classes. Florida Psychic Fairs Ocala, Fl St. Augustine, Fl St. Augustine, Fl November 12 & 13 Ocala Shrine Club 4301 SE Maricamp Rd, Ocala, FL 34480 Find out more St. Augustine, Fl St. Augustine, Fl St. Augustine, Fl St. Augustine Shrine Club 250 Brainard Dr, St. Augustine, FL 32086 Find out more Interested in Being an Exhibitor? I hope the show was as positive and prosperous an experience for you as it was for me. Michigan Psychic 30000+ detailed listings for New York artists, New York crafters, food vendors, concessionaires and show promoters. Tarot and Angel Card Readers One of the best shows out there. Find out more Subscribe The event is comprised of four different elements all in one venue, the Mind Body Soul Expo, the Yoga and Meditation Festival, the Live Well talks and workshops and the Galway Psychic Fair. Largo Nov 5/6 - 60 booths. Crystals, Jewelry, and Gift Certificates Available, Posted August 14, 2022 by Pauline Dettloff. Time: 11 am to 5 pm. Without fail, every Expo manages to overwhelm me with so much gratitude for the opportunity to have a part in bearing witness to the amazing work and healing each of you provide. ALL phone APPOINTMENTS MUST BE PREPAID and booked online. HOME. Experience a psychic reading, tarot reading, astrology reading, energy healing, chakra healing. Average cost for Psychics ranges from. Join us for a special day of Readings, Revelations, and Renewal on Sunday, March 26thfrom 9am to 5pm at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Phoenix Tempe -2100 S Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85282. We have been promoting New York State's#1 Psychic Fairs since 1990. Save Winter is HERE: Keeping Warm in a Cooling Market: MasterclassCFL Session #3 to your collection. Wisdom Magazine's calendar of events is an extensive, searchable and up to date listing of dated and ongoing holistic, metaphysical, spiritual, interesting and educational events. Metaphysical Artwork April 16, 2022 @ 12:00 am 6:00 pm Psychics Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Pet Psychics, Palmistry, Angel cards, Spiritual intuitive, Psychometric, Energy practitioners, and more! Here is a partial listing of my talented readers and their specialties: Rev. View Event Save Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind to your collection. Free stone & game play are excellent bonuses. FL FOLLOW ON FACEBOOK. Convenient to Asheville, Hendersonville, NC and Greenville,SC. Even before the pandemic, the business, like so many others, was shifting online. Receive guidance and information to help you navigate through life. Plenty of Free Parking. Psychic Mediums Please. Hannah Stokes, Bryan Hayes, Dean Batten, Adolfo to your collection. Get a reading from some of the area's most respected Psychics and Spiritual Mediums. Enter the email address you used when you joined. Psychic & Holistic Fairs: 36 free entry holistic fairs nationwide each year. Serenity Intuitive healers -readers Psychic fair Free entry! Irwin, PA. 11/7/20. Punta Gorda, 1Raw Yoga Sanford, FL. Children 12 and Under are Free. Healing Psychic Fair. Receive guidance and information to help you navigate through life. AURORA Psychic & Wellness Fair, Sunday October 15, 2023. All of our fairs and readers are CT based. Browse guides and vendors for this year's biggest wholesale and retail shows. All in! Save Deja Vu Fridays | Red Flags (Afrocaribbean, Live Party) to your collection. Spiritual Fusions Psychic & Holistic Events More Shows to be announced! Holistic healing practitioners will also offer sessions at the fair,including reiki masters and other energy healers. August Friday 11th to Sunday 13th. Crystals, Jewelry, and Gift Certificates Available! Vendors will also be on hand to offer handmade jewelry, crystals, incense, essential oils, tarot cards, gemstones, numerology reports and books. . This Three Month In-Person Mentorship is intended to help you with enhancing your clairs, to become more aware, and fine tune your relationship with the spirit world and your guides. First Last. Save Healing Psychic Fair to your collection. A great place to hang out with friends, family, or even by yourself in a fun environment where everyone is in it for a great time! To get more details and sign up, click the class time below. An amazing location for Central Florida. One session costs $12 three for $30. July 10, 2022 @ 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Psychics Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Pet Psychics, Palmistry, Angel cards, Spiritual intuitive, Psychometric, Energy practitioners, and more! April 22 2023. Receive guidance and information to help you navigate through life. Aura Photographers. Theres truly something for everyone. The Aura readings are so enlightening and the readers are impressive. The Art of Hearing God - Streams 101. Psychic events in Perth, Australia 2023 APRIL Perth Festival of Healing 2023 APRIL Perth Festival of Healing Sat, Apr 29, 9:30 AM Cannington Exhibition Centre & Showgrounds Cannington, WA Free entry! ? View our local psychics or get free estimates from pros near you. Top Fair & Festival Events Artigras February 18, 2023 February 19, 2023 Boynton Beach Pirate Fest & Mermaid Splash, Halloween Haunt October 28, 2023 October 29, 2023 Delray Affair April 14, 2023 April 16, 2023 Festival of the Arts Boca March 3, 2023 March 12, 2023 Lake Worth Beach Street Painting Festival February 25, 2023 February 26, 2023 Save Hell Yeah Friday !!!! For more information, visit here. Posted August 7, 2022 by Pauline Dettloff, August 7, 2022 @ 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Psychics Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Pet Psychics, Palmistry, Angel cards, Spiritual intuitive, Psychometric, Energy practitioners, and more! Save I CAN DO IT ~ TAMPA, FLORIDA to your collection. Have better direction on parking as extra fee and a service to be sure you are directed where actually everyone knows where to park, By continuing past this page, you agree to our, To mark your interest in Body Mind Spirit Expo Tampa, ACSM's International Health & Fitness Summit, Florida Buildings Engineering & Facility Maintenance Show. Psychic, Metaph ysical, & Healing Arts Fair Sept 23 and 24, 2023, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. WELCOME TO THE NEWLIFE EXPO In Its 34TH Year As America's Longest Running Holistic, Mind-Body-Spirit Expo. * Holiday Inn Presidential Sponsor - Arkansas Paranormal Expo discount rate of $98.00 - Located - 600 Interstate 30 - 1 block from MacArthur Museum. Step Forward Orthotics is one of our 70+ stall holders that you can find at the Galway Mind Body Experience event in Leisureland Event Centre in Salthill on the 15th and 16th of April, 2023. The Des Moines New Age and Psychic Fair will be March 26th & 27th 2022 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in the Paul R. Knapp Animal Learning Center. The photo comes with a personal interpretation. Port St. Lucie Oct 15/16 - 60 booths. Our exhibitors will include vendors, readers, artists and energy workers. Free Admission, 70 Exhibitors, and 48 hours of Complimentary Talks, Workshops & Classes. Event Details March 10, 2pm-9pm March 11, 10am-8pm March 12, 11am-6pm Harrah's KCMO April 8-9 Easter KC Metaphysical Fair - St Louis The vendors that attend are wonderful- Great products at affordable prices & such great energy! City North Hotel, Junction 7, M1 Motorway, Gormanston, Co. Meath. more being added! Keynote speaker international author and spiritual teacher Maureen St. Germain. The price of a psychic can vary greatly by region (and even by zip code). Go here to update it. The October event has been canceled. Love being a small part of it while sharing my passion with others! The St. Augustine Shrine Club will host a two-day psychic fair on Saturday, October 8 and Sunday October 9, 2022. All sessions are 15 minutes. FOR ONLINE CLASSES-PLEASE NOTE: The firm cutoff time for Registration is 10AM (EST) for afternoon and evening classes on the day of the class; for morning and all day classes the cutoff time is midnight the day before the class. Join us as we spread glad tidings and cheer at our 2nd Annual Des Moines New Age & Psychic Fair Yuletide . Made lots of new friends and reconnected with old ones. Spiritual Fusions is a 501c3 Educational Nonprofit. Jacksonville March 11/12- 60 booths. SUBSCRIBE TO BE NOTIFIED FOR UPCOMING FAIRS. What an amazing opportunity to watch so many beings who come through those doors carrying so much pain, only to walk back out in to the world so much lighter, happier, and full of joy in ONLY 15-30 MINUTES! Free Admission, 70 Exhibitors, and 48 hours of Complimentary Talks, Workshops & Classes. May 1, 2022 @ 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Psychics Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Pet Psychics, Palmistry, Angel cards, Spiritual intuitive, Psychometric, Energy practitioners, and more! When: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, October 8 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, October 9, 2022. Registration opens at 9am with free lectures throughout the day. var username = "info"; And I bought another spectacular piece of jewelry! Our goal is to provide you with reading & healing that may increase your happiness and improve your life. Cec, Gate 1, corner Albany Hwy and Station St. NYS's Favorite Psychic Fairs We have been promoting New York State's #1 Psychic Fairs since 1990. Mystic Faire of Central Florida is May 13-14, 2023 in the beautiful Crystal River! The First United Methodist Church in Seneca Falls will be holding its 2021 Peddlers' Village Bazaar on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Held outdoors in front of Academy Square on State Street . Youngwood, PA. 11/8/20. Thank you as well for the opportunity to allow me to be a part of it, and to make so many wonderful connections with you beautiful souls! Hypnotherapists Courtney Taylor (@themoderndaypsychic) Courtney Taylor is a. "Experience" all the Good Vibes! Thank all of you for being a part of this community, and all the hard work you do to be involved. Space for 100 booths with vendors, practitioners, readers, artists, demonstrations, and MORE! The last one had the highest spiritual energy I think I've ever experienced, they get better and better and better, we come such great family, thank you for having us! We are available for your convenience in a variety of locations . VENDORS & CELEBRITY GUESTS. Orlando February 18/19 - 60 booths. MUFON Pittsburg h Area Conference. Ireland's Largest Holistic Event Returns to Galway City on the 15th & 16th April, 2023 at Leisureland Event Centre, Salthill. Michigan Psychic Fair in Roseville, MI Posted May 1, 2022 by Eddie Brown May 1, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Psychics Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Pet Psychics, Palmistry, Angel cards, Spiritual intuitive, Psychometric, Energy practitioners, and more! Events Holiday Psychic Fair, Dec. 10th - 11th Marriott Minneapolis Airport Hotel, 2020 American Blvd East, Bloomington MN 9am. This event is sure to grow! Be a part of this energizing weekend. Crystals, Jewelry, and Gift Certificates Available! Crystals, Jewelry, and Gift Certificates Available! CONGRATULATIONS on such a successful event!! The products and services associated with the sector will be exhibited in the show for the benefits of the industry. Prices: No Admission Fee. Saturday, October 8 and Sunday, October 9, 2022 | See Times Below The St. Augustine Shrine Club will host a two-day psychic fair on Saturday, October 8 and Sunday October 9, 2022. Perhaps some Yoga or gentle exercise. Best Psychic Directory's top Florida psychics and mediums have been vetted by private investigator Bob Olson. Save Galactic and Spiritual Informers Connection 2023: 3-DAY In-Person Event to your collection. Find Holistic Health Expos, Psychic Fairs, Trade Shows, Retreats, Conferences and Travel Opportunities that cover Body Mind Spirit, Natural Healing, Nutrition, Organics, Green Lifestyles, Wellness, Yoga , Sustainability, Self Reliance, Conscious Living, Metaphysics, Faeries, Gems, Beads, Whole Foods, Gluten Free Lifestyles, Spirituality and Thank you so much for letting me play at the Expo Sunday! Tickets are Available at the Door - No Advance Sale. . April 24, 2022 @ 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Psychics Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Pet Psychics, Palmistry, Angel cards, Spiritual intuitive, Psychometric, Energy practitioners, and more! Thanks to all who work so hard to put this event together! Our. I especially enjoyed the presentations that were going on in the various 'rooms' aside from the vendor stations. For more information call Beth at 772-257-6499 $25 per 15 minutes Get More Details Our monthly Psychic Fair (fiesta) has between 10 and 12 Psychics to chose from and one healer. You created a lovely space for community, sharing and discovery. BMS Celebration Fair creates an arena for the general public to increase their knowledge of alternative health and metaphysical topics. Phone: 386-228-2880 Administrative Office Hours: M-F, 9am - 5pm Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm Address: 1325 Stevens Street, Cassadaga, FL 32706 Phone: 386-228-3171 Receive guidance and information to help you navigate through life. SEC. It's like Ashevegas, but in Flat Rock, which is even more Asheville, somehow. Gemstones You won't want to miss these upcoming Spirit Fest events! Mind, Body & Spirit Fair - July 2023 July 22, 2023 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET Free and open to the public featuring psychic readings, workshops, demonstrations, vendors, and more! Our fairs are part of PHD/ Programs for Human Development - a personal growth and spiritually-based organization. It is a professionally-produced show in a great indoor location with excellent lighting and offers lots of great readers, healers, vendors, lectures, and opportunities to connect. Shamans to your collection. Our fairs feature between 30 to 60 exhibitors depending on the venue, we also provide free talks, demonstrations and workshops at selected events. I am so inspired by your courage, abilities, and willingness to serve our community to help transform peoples lives through sharing your tremendous gifts of healing. Please bring $20 to class for materials. Receive guidance and information to help you navigate through life. Join Us At Our Next Florida NEWLIFE EXPO MARCH 11-12, 2023 At The Boca/Deerfield Fla Doubletree Hilton And Meet Thousands Of like-Minded Souls. Receive guidance and information to help you navigate through life. @healingearthgalway is one of the 70+ exhibitors at the Galway Mind Body Experience event. Psychic predictions for Trump 2021 always had to come back to that. Get the healing and life guidance you've been searching for in a fun, festive, high energy, and high vibration ambiance! Save Crystal Bowl Sound Meditation for Community + Connection to your collection. SHIFT NY Psychic & Holistic Fair. The event is comprised of four different elements all in one venue, the Mind Body Soul Expo, the Yoga and Meditation Festival, the Live Well talks and workshops and the Galway Psychic Fair. Crystals Welcome to The Phoenix Psychic Fair Join us for a special day of Readings, Revelations, and Renewal on Sunday, March 26th from 9am to 5pm at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Phoenix Tempe -2100 S Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85282. EXPLORE ONLINE CLASSES. Tickets - Phoenix Psychic Fair Tickets Please Print out your Receipt or Screenshot your Confirmation and bring it to the Fair. Serenity Intuitive healers -readers Psychic fair Sat, Mar 18, 10:30 AM Save Past Life Regression Workshop Mar 26, 2023 - Orlando, FL to your collection. The Michigan Psychic Fair is a unique venue to get Readings, receive guidance, connect with a loved one on the other side, have energy healing, and much more. My View from Heaven, is a 2019 COVR Visionary Awards Bronze Recipient in the Iconic Book category, and the 2021. include your name and full postal mailing address. Dixon was known for various predictions throughout her career, namely her prediction about the death of former president, John F. Kennedy. Readings are priced by the individual reader and are usually between 20 and 30 minutes. 4 Half Real Deal: Jeane Dixon. I am proud to be associated with you. Join us at our next fair to . 4301 SE Maricamp Rd, Ocala, FL 34480. 10-4pm. Shop crystals & jewelry. Space for 100 booths with vendors, practitioners, readers, artists, demonstrations, and MORE! Each with their own unique gifts and abilities, here we present the 10 clairvoyants, psychics and mediums to watch in 2021. You must call ahead at 810-631-6887 to book. SUBSCRIBE TO BE NOTIFIED FOR UPCOMING FAIRS ThanK you for subscribing! Florida Mystic/Psychic Faires | Naples FL Cynthia Lou Psychic-Intuitive Animal Reflections, Tarot, Peruvian Trained Nature Mystic, Rev. The Second Sunday Psychic Fair has been scheduled for 2023. Everything went so smoothy, from the set up to the lecturesto the check out, I am so grateful to have been a part of this and look forward to working with you again in the future. Save In Person Book Signing with Harlan Coben to your collection. Is this your event? Flint, MI. You guys ROCK!!! We produce Psychic & Healing Fairs, Festivals, Conferences & Tours in California, Arizona, & Colorado. Receive guidance and information to help you navigate through life. Find out more in our About Us page. You ROCKED it!! Find New York craft shows, art shows, fairs and festivals. ORLANDO MYSTIC FAIRE PENDING Sat 10:30am-6:30pm Sun 11am-5pm Over 100 spaces for psychics, healers and vendors. ***22. Healing Psychic Fair. (Nearest City: Melbourne; Reviews . 33950. . Save Thursday Live Vibe to your collection. Health and Beauty Products (904) 540-3067 A celebration of St. Augustine's Minorcan roots, the festival includes traditional food, music and dancing. Crystals, Jewelry, and Gift Certificates Available! 2020 Mid-Michigan. Jamie is a local psychic medium who has studied and trained with internationally renowned psychic mediums Paul and Deborah Rees as well as Sharon Klingler. A list of upcoming Gem, Mineral, Fossil and Jewelry Shows in Florida, United States during 2023. I had a great time. 6100 for reservatons or click link below. Saturday 11-6, and Sunday 10-5. Womens Conference, DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando Airport Orlando, FL, Songwriters Rising feat. March 11 & 12. Psychic & Holistic Expo Grand Rapids, Michigan 49544 Four Mile Showplace 1025 Four Mile Road, NW (313) 412-7690 Laura Moody Michigan: March 03-04 Fri-Sun: Sustainable Food & Farm Conference Grass Valley, CA (530) 265-2343 Stephanie Nevada Union High School S. Auburn Street Stephanie . September 22, 2020 March 13, 2021 by dmnapf. More . We are special event planners of anything metaphysical. Only show events from organizers I follow, Tarot for Self-Mastery Masterclass (Live Event), Westgate Lakes Resort & Spa Orlando, FL, Winter is HERE: Keeping Warm in a Cooling Market: MasterclassCFL Session #3, 2023 Holistic Globe Body Mind Spirit Expo ~ Orlando FL, Azalea Lodge at Mead Botanical Gardens Winter Park, FL, Galactic and Spiritual Informers Connection 2023: 3-DAY In-Person Event, DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel at the Entrance to Universal Orlando Orlando, FL, Avanti Palms Resort and Conference Center Orlando, FL, Crystal Bowl Sound Meditation for Community + Connection, Center for Health & Wellbeing Winter Park, FL, Eastmonte Civic Center Altamonte Springs, FL, Deja Vu Fridays | Red Flags (Afrocaribbean, Live Party), Deja-Vu Hookah Lounge & Bar Winter Park, FL, Portals to Creativity with Astrology NEW cycle Saturn in Pisces, 2nd Annual "Who Does She Think She is?" Guests can also have a full color photo of their aura and chakras taken. Save Portals to Creativity with Astrology NEW cycle Saturn in Pisces to your collection. When: April 9, 2022. 2 3 Days 0 0 Hours 5 2 Minutes 3 8 Seconds View Event The 13th Annual St. Augustine Film Festival - Part Deux Friday - Sunday, March 3 - 5, 2023 | Times Vary (954) 520-3191 Watch award-winning movies and network with film enthusiasts at this exciting event. Save Pro Wrestling Action: All-Star Jackpot to your collection. "Natural Health, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Metaphysics and Sustainability"Body Mind Spirit Expo is a fabulous holistic living festival. Holistic & Metaphysical Fairs - 2022 @ Holiday Inn - Fairlawn/Montrose - 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. - 4073 Medina Rd, Akron, OH 44333 Download Flier reminders April 23 October 22 Mini Fairs - 2022 -23 Download Flier reminders *** If you would like to be on Elizabeth's e-mail list for future events fill out the simple 'Subscribe' form. Ocala, Fl St. Augustine, Fl St. Augustine, Fl. . Utica Park Michigan All Rights Reserved. Receive guidance and information to help you navigate through life. Admission: $8 - $20 Days/Hours Open: Fri 1pm9pm, Sat 10am7pm, Sun 10am6pm Address: 15500 E 40th Ave,, Denver, CO 80239 Entertainment: 1 stage - International, National, Regional, Local. Your User ID or Password reset link will be sent to you. Paranormal Convention. 2023. Gigi Real Psychic Medium, Empath, Tarot, Oracle Cards, 3rd Eye Pop! She gives you the best information so that you may merge both physical and spiritual . Ocala Shrine Club. So great. July 31, 2022 @ 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Psychics Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Pet Psychics, Palmistry, Angel cards, Spiritual intuitive, Psychometric, Energy practitioners, and more! If I missed a paracon or event, please contact me through The Paranormal Site Facebook page and let me know so I can add it to the list I keep at . It's about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Free Admission, 70 Exhibitors, and 48 hours of Complimentary Talks, Workshops & Classes. Registration: July 15th Early Bird ends: August 15th Fall Fair Info March Friday 24th to Sunday 26th. Spark of Divine, LLC, 1789 Old Dixie Hwy, Vero Beach, FL 32960. Crystals, Jewelry, and Gift Certificates Available! No CBD Vendors or the eye serum. Womens Conference to your collection. Below is a list of where you can find psychic expos and mind, body & spirit fairs that you don't want to miss. The big day may have come and gone, but keep in touch as were always up to something new and exciting. You will also find: Weekend Admission is only $10 with a free gemstone and lectures. Experience Psychic Fair Readings, healers, speakers and vendors will be on hand at the St. Augustine Experience Psychic Fair March 19-20, 2022. March 10-11-12 Spring KC Metaphysical Fair Join us for three big days of FUN at Spring KC Metaphysical! You continue to amaze me with your organizational skills. Florida Psychic Fairs. Where: Avalon Visions, 2815 Porter St., Soquel CA. Charlotte Harbor Event Center Love the new location as there's more space. It is a 2 day event organised by Body Mind Spirit Expos and will conclude on 11-Jun-2023. I never miss it! Speakers all day, both days, with special guests and workshops. SEE AD BELOW. Crystals, Jewelry, and Gift Certificates Available! Fall Fair Info September 16 & 17, 2023 (10am - 5pm Both Days) Join us at the The Ranch, Larimer County Fairgrounds, First National Bank Building in the South Hall - as you explore alternative choices in taking care of your body, mind, spirit and our environment. Dates & Locations: Sundays, Never an Admittance Fee! Join us at our psychic events and classes! Speakers all day, both days, with special guests and workshops. Save Art in Bloom 2023 to your collection. Florida Fossil Hunters Fossil Fair: Sanford Civic Center, 401 E. Semimole Blvd , Sanford, Florida 32771: 10/27/23: 10/29/23: G&LW Orlando Fall: Osceola Heritage Park . Now, on to the next one! Psychic & Holistic Fairs: 36 free entry holistic fairs nationwide each year. Mind Body Experience Events: Including the Dublin Mind Body Experience in the RDS, Dublin 4, the Cork Mind Body Experience in Cork City Hall and the Galway (Mini) Mind Body Experience in Galway City. Be the first to know when the next Phoenix Psychic Fair is. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Handmade Jewelry Spirit Fest Orlando 2021 - You Have Found Sanctuary We have a phenomenal array of vendors, practitioners, healers, artists, and speakers set for this fair! It's like Ashevegas, but in Flat Rock, which is even more Asheville, somehow ;) Super fun people, interesting lectures, cosplay, and ridiculously low prices for some of Asheville and beyond's best healers and intuitives. August 20, 2022 @ 12:00 am 6:00 pm Psychics Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Pet Psychics, Palmistry, Angel cards, Spiritual intuitive, Psychometric, Energy practitioners, and more! These free admission events are Irelands largest gathering of authors, presenters, practitioners and retailers from the world of holistic health. Rota Psychic & Holistic Expo 2022. Save Healing Psychic Fair to your collection. Welcome To Connecticut's Best Psychic Fair Site. Join now to unlock additional details,