Prophet John Leary Wednesday, August 3, 2022: Jesus said: "My people, I see all people as equals before Me, in that no one is better than the other. 11This is the word that came to Jeremiah from theLord:2Listen to the terms of this covenantand tell them to the people of Judah and to those who live in Jerusalem. Beware of your chemtrails because this is one method the evil ones can use to spread the flu and this virus. En la Capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando y viendo la Misa por el internet. You need some food to store and a water source. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Yo me pude ver en nuestro refugio, y luego los aviones empezaron a regar el virus por el aire. Rejoice because My angels will put an invisible shield over you as you come to a refuge. I dont believe this was accidental, but more of another soft discloser of what they are planning, and this is also what the Prophets in this blog have been warning us about from God with deadly plagues being created and released. Some of your Scripture scholars talk about the Nephilim giants that were the offspring from demon angels who had sex with human females. Please guide us to all Truth to at least correct the errors of our own ways so that we may be rightly ordered back to You as Our Heavenly Father. Ahora en algunos casos la polica y la Guardia Nacional se le ha dicho que permitan hasta una cierta cantidad de destruccin porque los del partido opuesto quieren caos en las calles para el plan del tomo. You all will be facing this door to your own death at some age. My son, you have used this passage (4 Kings 19:35) many times to relate to the people about the power of even one of My angels. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges all the way through the coming tribulation., Jesus said: My people, you are all so happy that your churches are finally opening this weekend. He also mentions Me in his talks, but the left do not. All of heaven is rejoicing with you as you will celebrate Sunday Mass together. En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando al frente del DVD de adoracin. In a large church you could wear masks and easily keep your distance. What Faher Dan Reehil explains in his podcast show is what is actually happening in our Church about Gods Shepherds going bad and leading Gods flock astray. The latest messages can be read by clicking on the Latest Messages link under the Messages menu. Tu tuviste que poner una chimenea, y almacenaste alguna madera y queroseno para el combustible con algunos calentadores. When you have discerned that you want to prepare a refuge, you need to consecrate your land and make an attempt to find water on your land. Tu puedes pedir Misas en tu testamento para que la familia pueda cumplir tus deseos. 12The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense,but they will not help them at all when disasterstrikes. In particular, in verse 17, Jeremiah points out that both Judah and Israel angered God by worshipping Baal, which is a pagan god in which children were sacrificed. Lent is a time of prayer and fasting so you can focus more on loving Me and loving your neighbor. The print version of the messages are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Yo estar con ustedes para protegerlos, confen en Mi siempre para la multiplicacin de comida, agua, y combustible. You have been denied My sacraments by this evil laboratory created virus. I love all of you, and I am closest to you when you can receive Me in person. Here is the information of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. It is important to always have your soul clean by frequent Confession, so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment. So fear not about the evil ones, because My angel of the refuge will protect you as the angel slew the enemies of Israel. Latest Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and Mystic Post TV. This blog is about surrender, transformation, relationship and discipleship to Our Lord Jesus Christ. In case you did not know it, there was and arch of Baal put up in Washington, D.C. in August of 2018 during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings for a Supreme Court Justice seat. You can see how the left influence on your media and education has brain-washed people against loving Me, and replacing it with communist atheist ideas. El va al punto de como despiadado es quitarle los fondos a la polica y quemas sus estaciones. Although they cryout to me, I will not listento them. Mis fieles sern llevados a Mi Era de Paz como su recompensa por ser fieles a Mi., Junio 17, 2020 (Listo para la muerte preparados con frecuentes Confesin, oracin) Zadzwo! Yo puedo ver al mundo en un caos por el ataque del virus y los anarquistas quienes estn tratando de derrumbar a Amrica. In the first reading the King of Israel prayed for My protection from the Assyrians who were ready to attack Jerusalem. Latest Messages on After the Warning Website. Here is the latest from Life Site News on the internal battle our Country is having with the Sheep being separated from the goats that are as savage as wolves on abortion. I have been giving you more messages of the coming persecution of Christians. Then in verses 21 through 22, Jeremiah is warning the people that Gods wrath is coming and that the Shepherds are senseless because they do not inquire upon our Lord, and they have scattered the flock. (In the vision I could see the planes spreading the virus laden chemtrails.) The Holy Spirit has guided us to see that this very same thing is happening today, with Gods Children turning to pagan worship because of the nations turning to idolatry and not keeping their Covenant with Him, and some of the Shepherds, who are supposed to be asking Our Lord for guidance, are not and instead falling to the ways of the world, thus scattering the flock. Jesus said:My people, I have called some people to be refuge builders. Yo puedo ver como el Seor llamara a sus fieles a los refugios porque los malvados desencadenaran una segunda ola del virus. Here are consecration prayers for both Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. Friday, June 10, 2022 June 19, 2022 Latest Messages from Prophet John Leary. It is also a problem when your false news does not give you the true numbers of deaths from the corona virus. Latest News Reports from News Max, and Fox News. March 2, 2023. Unite your hearts with My Heart, and unite your suffering with My suffering on the cross. 2 min read WASHINGTON (AP) The Supreme Court on Wednesday is hearing a dispute between New York and New Jersey over New Jersey's desire to withdraw from a commission the. Pray for the sick and those with chronic problems. around the U.S. and around the 50 States and Puerto Rico; around the White House, around the Government buildings; around President Trump and Vice-President Pence. Here is the latest podcast show of Battle Ready by Father Dan Reehil on Corpus Christi and the sign of our times from June 21, 2022. This virus will come in the fall and there will be so much death and confusion, that your election will be canceled. john leary latest messages june 2020 June 12, 2022 who has andalusian bull in stock 2021 cornwell 176 piece tool set baltimore accent challenge words benjamin keough, the voice john leary latest messages june 2020. san antonio housing authority login . This sent the Assyrians in confusion and they were forced to return home. The day of the shutdown of your website is coming soon, as the evil ones will want to silence My prophets once again. Otro proyecto era comprar ms comida al vaci, MRE, comida enlatada. Yo advertir a Mi gente a que no miren hacia fuera en ningn momento por la cantidad grande de cuerpos muertos. Yes, you can watch Mass on your TVs and your computers, but My Eucharistic services at Mass are meant to bring the faithful together Saturday, May 30, 2020: Los izquierdistas estn usando esta crisis, especialmente los estados controlados por los Demcratas y ciudades, por razones polticas contra el Presidente. Otherwise, buy some five gallon jugs of water to multiply. Jesus said: My people, when St. Paul was in prison in Rome, he still was able to preach My Gospel to those people who visited him, and to those people he wrote letters. There was a darkness around this flame in your vision because you are losing your freedoms every day under Biden. miami dolphins players who have died. Holy Mass Celebrating the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart at St. Maria Gorettis Parish and Prayer of the HolyRosary. Elas oro sobre la harina y el aceite y no se agot pues ellos pudieron comer por un ano durante la hambruna. The Propaganda Keeps Going. T necesitas evitar el pecado de los contraceptivos usando el mtodo de no relaciones durante el periodo frtil. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. These same angels will provide buildings and multiply your food, water, and fuels for your people. After two hurricanes had struck, a message of Jesus to John Leary talked about the two hurricanes, showing no knowledge of the two additional hurricanes to strike in that same year. Latest Catholic Radio Maria Podcast from Father Dan Reehil on the antichrist. August 4, 2020. Also, News Reports on Preparing for the Reality of Nuclear War by Glenn Beck. Who Is Jesus Christ? Now you can receive Me in person at Holy Communion. Only God can show us the error of our ways, and until we ask Him with a contrite heart, we may be blinded to the Truth, just like our Country is right now! Disfruten este breve descanso por ahora porque luego vendr otro virus mas fuerte en el otoo. In those days, people were apparently fascinated by the thought of being linked to the famous via a series of handshakes. Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary May 27, 2017 Prophet John Leary Monday, May 8, 2017 Jesus said: "My people, I have told you that you could see one of your small wars expand into a world war. Here are the latest messages on After the Warning website, the first to Giselle Cardia. Todos tendrn que enfrentarse a esta puerta cuando vengas a tu propia muerte a una edad. In the Gospel I warned My people to enter heaven through the narrow gate, and do not follow the broad road into hell. Esto ser despus de la Advertencia, tu necesitas convertir a tus familiares, amistades hacia Mi o ellos podran perderse al infierno. 17TheLordAlmighty, who plantedyou, has decreed disasterfor you, because the people of both Israel and Judah have done evil and arousedmy anger by burning incense to Baal. I was constantly raising up prophets in Israel so the people could change their hearts to love Me. Last year, as many of you know, I, "a soul", had many on-going health challenges for different critical illnesses.For almost ten months (January to October 2022), I was very sick. Los malvados quieren este tipo de guerra, pero tu gobierno tendr que declarar una ley marcial nacional para proteger a la gente de los malvados. Latest Teaching from Mother Gabrielle on the Divine Will from Luisa Piccarreta and Purgatory from Maria Simma. My Heart is aching to love all of you, even the ones who reject My love. In January, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children notified local police of a social media account that was spreading explicit images. Tambin, eviten masturbacin o pecados de homosexualidad. If you personally do not know Gods Commandments and what He expects of us as His Children, read Gods Holy Word NOW, and dont wait another day, because God has been warning us for many years now, and time is running out before His wrath will come. Tu vera ms caos y muertes durante la segunda ola del virus cuando morirn muchos en el otoo. Rejoice in My love and My sacraments. Also, Spiritual Warfare by Father Chad Ripperger, and Lenten Preparation by Father Dan Reehil from Catholic RadioMaria. When guns are used, I will need to call My faithful to My refuges., Jesus said: My people, your President put all of the recent events in perspective when he called out the looters and arsonists that are ruining your cities. Only My believers will be saved at My refuges. Priests and Religious Speak on End Times. Posts about Prophet John Leary written by a soul. You are all happy to see Me in Holy Communion, and your friends. What Is The Gospel? I bring the tongues of fire over all of the faithful of God. Even before I will call people to the refuges, My angels are already protecting the refuges. john leary latest messages june 2020mike dean referee wife | The more good deeds you had in life, will help compensate for the reparation due for your sins. Their young menwill die by the sword, their sons and daughters by famine. Please attend Holy Mass both days and consecrate yourselves to both the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. Jeremiah is serving God by trying to warn Gods Children that they must stop what they are doing because the idolatry and pagan worship has turned many towns into complete evil. Jess dice: Mi gente, tu presidente puso todos los eventos recientes en perspectiva cuando llamo a los saqueadores e incendiarios que estn destruyendo las ciudades. At the refuge time, by faith I will multiply what you need, and My angels will see that all of you have enough food, water, and fuels for your survival. He did not say, maybe or possibly, he said, There will be a Second Pandemic. He told him 3 things: -We've been going to the moon since 1962. For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, Have Mercy on us and the whole world. John's father, had been involved in the mid-50s in anti-gravity technology programs, completely secret technology today. Prophet John Leary Health Blog steve carell house; external barriers to financial success; does tcs give joining bonus to lateral entry; which option is not provided with cloud storage; massachusetts orphanage records; 12Although they fast, I will not listen to their cry;though they offer burnt offeringsand grain offerings,I will not acceptthem. Este ataque por medio del virus le ha dado a todos otra practica de como quedarse en sus hogares. We can see in Jeremiah, Chapter 12, if you continue to read further that God explains why He is cutting off His Children for a while but will once again have compassion on them when they turn back to Him. Here is the story. Jesus said: My people, you just read about St. Paul as he was leaving on a ship for Jerusalem. Zadzwo! Then in Chapters 13 and 14, because God has pulled back His Divine Hand of Providence, families begin to turn on each other, there is a drought and in particular in Jeremiah 14:10-12, God tells Jeremiah, do not try and pray for His wrath to stop because He has to intercede for the guilt of their sins. 15What is my beloved doing in my templeas she, with many others, works out her evil schemes? If you do not have a stream or lake, you could look into drilling a water well. Amen. By having a good prayer life, you can stay close to Me, and be ready to meet Me at your judgment., Jesus said: My people, you need to pray to counteract the Luciferian March for a One World Government that will occur in nine cities on June 21. Tearing down historical statues is another way that the left is trying to destroy your history and culture to replace it with socialist communist ideas. Jess dice: Mi gente, Yo comparto la alegra de la libertad de ustedes poder regresar a las iglesias para la Misa y la Santa Comunin en las iglesias locales. around every place that commits abortion or euthanasia. En la capilla del Padre Eterno, Yo oraba ante el DVD de Adoracin. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. john leary latest messages june 2020. Yo puedo ver al mundo en un caos por el ataque del virus y los anarquistas quienes estn tratando de derrumbar a Amrica. around every Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, the Popes, all Religious in the World. So, sounds like the elites are preparing us now for what is coming. When evil gets worse, you will be forced to stay at your refuge.;NIV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Follow Live and Love for JESUS Surrender, Relationship, Transformation, and Discipleship on You will be praying every day, and I will give you daily Holy Communion from My priests and My angels.". Does this sound familiar? Here is another from Mother and Refuge of the End Times. We have many prophets in this blog that have been warning us, like Jeremiah did, to STOP practicing idolatry, or God will crush the nations. En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando y viendo la Misa por el internet. If you truly love Me, then you will show your love for Me in your daily prayers. Posts in This Blog on How to Prepare for the Times of Distress Spiritually Before the Warning and the Coming Tribulation. Here is another to Pedro Regis. Ten cuidado de los rocos qumicos porque este es un mtodo que usan los malvados para regar el virus de la gripe y este virus. Mis ngeles proveern por sus necesidades, y tu adoraras a Mi Santsimo Sacramento en la custodia en perpetua Adoracin. You have been seeing a decline in Mass attendance over the years, so it will be interesting to see how many people actually come to Sunday Mass. Tu verdaderamente eres la sal y luz en el mundo cuando tu compartes Mi Evangelio con las personas. The Democrat officials in their states are allowing these anarchists to take over their cities. If we dont choose on national levels in our societies to turn away from sin and the evil that it encompasses, then evil grows exponentially. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Sunday, June 21, 2020 Jesus said: "My people, this is the first time you have been to Mass at your own church in three months. But. If you live in the Northern states you may need wood, kerosene, or propane with the appropriate burners. July 21, 2021 El desempleo esta a un 14%. Jesus said: "My people, the freezing rain makes ice all over everything. This is a list of familicides that occurred in the United States.Being part of the list of rampage killers, the latter's terms of inclusion are also applied here.. A rampage killer has been defined as follows: A rampage involves the (attempted) killing of multiple persons least partly in public space by a single physically present perpetrator using (potentially) deadly weapons in a single . I told you that you would live to see the tribulation, so you know it is close. Tu tuviste 4 practicas del refugio con personas que se quedaron a dormir en tu casa, hasta usaste el combustible para calentar tu casa con queroseno y madera. New Messages on After The Warning Website! <br><br>Key areas of expertise include sales, marketing, business development, operations, media, public relations, and . We know that Our Lord has been warning us through Our Blessed Mother and His Prophets, Mystics, and Saints that we have been turning away from Him through egregious sins on national levels. Luego compraste 22 catres con colchones pequeos. We ask this in Your Sons name, who is our Divine Savior, Jesus Christ. Jess dice: Mi gente, en algunas noticias tu estas viendo mucha gente que pueden regresar a sus trabajos, pero hay millones de personas que estn desempleada. Also, tomorrow, there will be an alignment of 5 planets in our solar system that rarely takes place. Those people, who do not have a refuge, will be called to have your guardian angels lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. I long to save all souls, but I do not force My love on anyone. Those souls, who choose to come to Me, will see a need to come to My refuges and deny taking the mark of the beast. Oren por la conversin del las almas mientras puedan, y guarden alguna comida mientras puedan tambin., Junio 5, 2020 (El Grupo de George Soros, Vidas Negras Importan) around every continent, every country, every land mass, every water mass in the world. Jesus said: My people, as you look at this small black hole expand into a large sinkhole, this is how the evil of one killing has expanded into a country wide protest of rioting and looting. Pray for Jocelyn and her new baby, and for the souls of your family. Ora por convertir a la mayor cantidad de almas que tu puedas, porque tu haz visto la plaga que se avecina en esas personas que me rechazaran a Mi.. Tu ngel del refugio los proteger de cualquier tipo de virus, bombas, y otras amenazas sobre Mi gente. In particular, God will annihilate those nations or cities that have conducted the most egregious and evil sins against Him like Abortion, like He did with the town of Anathoth that plotted to kill Gods messenger and prophet Jeremiah. around the sick in the world and around all the dying in the world; around all the elderly and abandoned in the world. A un cierto punto tus veras una guerra nuclear que podra daar varias ciudades. around our children, our relatives, our friends. 21Therefore this is what theLordsays about the people of Anathothwho are threatening to kill you,saying, Do not prophesyin the name of theLordor you will dieby our hands22therefore this is what theLordAlmighty says: I will punish them. En el tiempo de los refugios tu no saldrs del rea de la propiedad. It is hard to imagine why some mothers want to kill their babies in the womb by abortion. Even during this first virus attack, your people still considered abortion as an essential service. En la Advertencia Yo le dar a cada pecador una segunda oportunidad para que venga hacia Mi en fe hacia una nueva conversin y arrepentimiento por sus pecados. Be prepared for this coming persecution and you could even see some faithful martyred. Amen. Also, in the news in case you missed it yesterday, President Biden let the cat out of the bag and informed everyone in the news conference that there will be another Pandemic in the future. At My refuges you will be healed of any health problems by looking upon My luminous cross in the sky or from My healing spring waters. Here are some important messages we copied and pasted from Johns website. You have seen many deaths all over the world from this virus, and many nations have used a shut down to try and minimize the spread of the virus. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.. Pray for the souls in purgatory. The ambassador's comments pertained to an unsubstantiated claim made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken that China is "considering providing lethal support to Russia in the war against Ukraine,". Algunos pueden aceptar los matrimonios homosexuales, pero para M, son una abominacin antinatural. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can receive Me again in Holy Communion., Jesus said: My people, I am showing you My Sacred Heart because I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to save all of mankind. This will allow each refuge to have perpetual Adoration around the clock. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Many of you have pictures of My Sacred Heart, so now is a good time to pray to Me in front of your picture. Reflection on Psalm 146 in Gods Holy Word! Yo multiplicare la comida, agua, y combustible, pero deben tener completa confianza y fe en Mi que Yo puedo hacer esto por ti. Comparing Lorena from Mexicos Messages to St. Augustines Teaching on the Transformations We will Go Through Before the Era of Peace and Who are the First Fruits? Jesus said: "My people, the Israelites and the Samarians built altars and shrines to their gods, but their hearts were cold to Me. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: Welcome to El Clan - El Clan de los Colgados %El Clan de los Colgados En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando frente al DVD de la adoracin. As you look on My luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your health problems. En San Juan el Evangelista despus de la Misa y Santa Comunin, Yo puedo ver una cueva oscura, y Yo sal hacia la luz en la libertad de Dios. February 22, 2023 Ash Wednesday. at Medjugorje and Holy Love Ministries (Maranatha Spring and Shrine), How To Do A Ghost Release - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast,, Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, International Abortion Healing Programs (47 countries), Rachel's Vineyard Healing After Abortion, Silent No More Awareness Resources for Help After Abortion (U.S.), Catholics Come Home (English main website), Catholics Come Home (English Young Adult), Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ (USA), Dolorous (Sorrowful) Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Anne Catherine Emmerich, Holy Love Ministry Heavenly Messages in 90 Languages, Love and Mystic Catalina Rivas, Madeleine Aumont of the Glorious Cross of Dozule, Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages in 90 Languages, Shepherds of Christ Ministries Portuguese, The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, World Apostolate of Precious Blood of Jesus Christ (Nigeria), Catholic Saints, Martyrs and Doctors of the Church, CatholiCity The Catholic Church Simplified, Eternal Word Television Network Document Library, St. Michael the Archangel Religious Books & Gifts, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (Dr. Scott Hahn), The Rosary Center The Rosary Confraternity, Eternal Word Television Network Mobile Streaming App, Eternal Word Television Network Radio Facebook, Eternal Word Television Network Radio Affiliates, Eternal Word Television Network SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Channel 130, Eternal Word Television Network Global Catholic Radio Shortwave, Eternal Word Television Network Nightly News Videos Online, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube English, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube German, Eternal Word Television Network YouTube Spanish, Eternal Word Television Network Global News, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ - Feb 22-28, 2023 Update, February 19, 2023 - Message from God the Father to mystic, Lorena - Spiritual Exercise and Prayers of Protection, End Times Daily - Message from Jesus of Nazareth to Ned Dougherty - "These events are already cast in stone, but the power of prayer can still influence, ameliorate, or even cancel the darkest of events before the Great Transformation takes place" - February 22, 2023, Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria - "In the midst of famine, My Legions will bring humanity the food that satisfies hunger. Latest Messages on After the Warning Website with an Update from Father Jim Blount on what Our Blessed Mother Revealed on the Blackout! Tu continuaras viendo estas protestas planificadas hasta el otoo, cuando haiga otra ola de un virus peor. Eventually, people will be tired of the false protests, and you could have a backlash protest where opposing groups could clash with more violence. Ora por tu pas y en focense ms en M, o vern ms castigos., Junio 22, 2020 (Estelas qumicas riegan el virus de la influencia y el virus) The devil uses fear and anxieties to keep you fearful of viruses, and he wants to keep you from coming to Me at Mass in church.
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