We know what we do. - Led USFKs largest CES; cultivat'd 33 CCAF Grads/5 BTZ/9 Gp/Wg qtrly, yrly/5 MAJCOM/2 HAF, USFK awd wins - PME champion! - Advises MDG, Med Ops & Dental Sq CCs w/mil/prsnl issues impacting 524 mbrs; facilitates $18M in hlth care svcs Jalapeno Summer Sausage Recipe, +54 9 (0263) 4444543/5/6, Why Did Sharon M Draper Write Out Of My Mind. - LRS Sq Supt f/3 wks; coord w/69 orgs/58 acft rqmts/38 jets--spt'd 27 msns/4.5K pax f/N. - Managed 20-man geographically remote workcenter in support of Air Mobility Command--exceeded all assigned goals! - Continued professional investment; completed Security Manager training--qual'd to fill critical void w/in unit First Sergeant EPR Bullets Duty Description - Principle advisor to CC for 154 AD members & 4 civilians; relays critical insight on morale, welfare & msn readiness - Advises Sr ldrshp on psnl issues; rvws/edits EPRs/LOEs/decs/awds; brfs Wg/CC on Status of Discipline/QoL matters - Structural Supervisor; instruct'd Amn on carpentry & welding TTPs--improved unit readiness & individual confidence - First Sergeant Council member; served as Treasurer - provided leadership and support to peers, truly outstanding - Sage advisor; guided sq commander thru 2 Art 15s/AWOL/DUI; upheld discipline/standards - accountability ensured Since the PFW system Angela Bergerstock, 437th Aerial Port Squadron first sergeant - Tackled HHQ BRU-61 safety directive; partner'd w/MMHE/dvlp'd cradle load adapter--ACC approved/val'd < 2 wks 27 May, added a Letter of We need more examples. - Family Care Program maintained 100% accuracy; ensured Airmen provided current & required information per AFI - Impacts base-wide! - Planned/executed Extreme Stand down for wing-wide training--eliminated obstacles to teamwork & cohesion - Supervised Airmen during dorm move--provided direction/guidance--ensured smooth transition/safety of all This means that a feat that may have taken months of planning and effort must be fully described in one line. - Acting 1st Sgt Council Pres; advised 1st & 492d SOW CCCs--led 46 1st Sgts/3 wgs/mentored 8.2K Air Commandos - Coached 4 youths for Special Olympics; devoted 40 hrs/instructed drills--won 4 golds 2 silver medals, boosted pride - Honed physical and mental readiness by example--provided AF an FSR capable force for world wide requirements, - Increased shop visits & recognition on holidays--ensured unity, eliminated conflict & increased team cohesion - Supvd 54 Trusted Agents; notifi'd 400 staff/enforc'd DoD's "zero tolerance" policy; sustain'd $32M base assets, - Sustained AF's 2nd lrgst dorm campus; synced 32 ADLs/focused mx/rprs to met AF std--upheld QoL f/4.5K residents - Personifies diligence, consistency, loyalty, and professionalism, earning the respect of his peers and supervisors alike Contact admin@eprbulletsafsc.com Disclaimer. - Harmonized 36 Wg POW/MIA 24 hr run; synced 571 mbrs/honored tradition--$4K raised for community give backs - Highly respected leader providing mentoring to the enlisted force by participating in the wing mentorship program - Founded Lethal Iron University; built 6 wk leadership course material--forged mx development/assured AF priorities Led 700 studs thru 9K flt hrs/13.5K sim hrs--fuel'd 13 ops units, AFSOC/CCC coined, - 1st Sgt tm lead; guided Wg hlth/welfare dorm insp; rectified 6 safety hazards/3 sub-std units--fortified QoL f/336 prsnl The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant LeMay reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. o demonstrated exceptional skill and knowledge as TM McAllen Readiness NCO; inputted, corrected, and justified all personnel actions for up to 234 personnel. - Acting OG 1st Sgt/6 mos; hand chosen by Gp/CC f/position vacancy--reinforced 5 units/874 mbrs/coined by 19 AF/CC! - Acting 1st Sgt/3 mo! Chosen by CC; led 2 Sq/183 mbrs--resolved 28 disciplinary/admin issues--msn success! - CAA's #1 go-to! Nominees must have served in the position of First Sergeant and held the SDI 8F000 for at least 6-months during the award period. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. OG 1Sgt for 12 days; 754 mbrs/6 CCs w/$71B in prgms--navigated 9 issues/helped Amn & familes heal, - Superb temp 1st Sgt; responded to family death; coord'd 3 agencies/smoothed benefit process--eased burden - Direct'd 186 prsnl actions/rehabed 6 late-bloomers--fueled msn rdy force/9 dplymnts/2K DVs/93T cargo/23K part rqmts Back to EPR Bullets. The U.S. Air and Space Force Key Spouse Program (KSP) is an official Unit Family Readiness Program designed to enhance readiness and establish a sense of community. Back to EPR Bullets. - CC's focal point f/discipline/mentoring/recognition f/234 enl/135 ofcrs/155 civs in 66 AFSCs; manages EPME pgms Thanks! Master Sgt. - Instituted Key Spouse pgm; revived vital networkset continuity <3 wks--assured real-time SA/spt f/ 52 mil families, - Lectured at local FTAC class; guided discussion "What is a First Sergeant?" Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. - Represents the 174 OSS/CC at Wing meetings and multiple base-level councils; a recognized group advocate for unit exceptional SNCO secured 2 BTZ/12 Sq/Gp/Wg/AMC/1 Levitow/AMC Sijan wins--SMgt a must! - Provides readiness, health, welfare and morale guidance as focal point for the 81 personnel in 13 sections of the OSS Squadron Superintendent. - Expertly advised MDG's 5 CCs/19 flts/26 AFSCs; dlvrd 375 msn-rdy force--enabled 76K pt care appts worth $3.9M! The intent of the award is to recognize individuals that demonstrate outstanding performance and professionalism on a daily basis. Developed 3 MSgts f/8F duty; groomed FSOY/Commandant Awd winners--force multiplier, - Key to CoS Team Excellence awd; transformed "Help Us Help You" pgrm--maximized QoL/spt'd 9.5K sorties/15K hrs, - Lectured at local FTAC class; guided discussion "What is a First Sergeant?" - Developed relationships with & between unit members; fostered positive work environment--increased morale - Acting MDG 1st Shirt/3 wks; advised 5 sq CCs/340 medics--assisted admin of 2 UIF/Ctrl Roster, 1 Article 15 - Mitigated Osan AB CCF shortages; coord'd 1st Sgt's Symposium/aligned 27 briefers/31 topics--prepared 75 SNCOs - Initiated Diamond Sharp Award in the Operations Group, recognizing and highlighting our sharpest Airmen quarterly Thanks! - Consulted on 1K prsnl actions; provided ldrshp/aided 85% msn rdy force--key to clinica disaster tm hurricane dplymnt o entered board scores for 144 SM and updated over 175 NGB 4100 SMs; facilitated the promotion of 20 SMs and over 30 SMs being selected for the next grade. First Sergeant of the Year. Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. Feedback and evaluations are automated into myEval based on a member's (Ratee) reporting period (the period of supervision culminating in an . - Pioneered bi-weekly 'Sergeant's Time'; prep'd 22 topics/clarified AF doctrine/bridged comm gap--culitvated 184 Amn, - Organized 4 'Feed the Homeless' events; rallied 434 vols/coord'd 8 agencies--fed 5.1K ppl/strengthened community ties - Aided RCAF transient C-17; co'ord w/521 AMOW/initated prts exchange/$80K--FMC w/in 24hrs--fortified relations, - Oversaw Gp/CC insp mgmt bd; mng'd 139 SACs/2.8K items/11 observations/4 CPI events--verified 99% compliance, - Piloted tech order distribution pgm; coord'd 46 safety TCTOs/published 753 updates--eliminated fleet grounding cond, - Oversaw mx processes; 8 107-T engineer req/7 PQDR's/13 AFTO 22's/4 chklst--75% fix/5.9% break rt, #1 f/USAFE The event gave Airmen a better understanding of the responsibilities of a first sergeant Air Force Security Forces EPR Bullets. - Donated $14.5K/521 hrs to Osan; pioneered SEO f/OWH, led morale activities, ex spt & PESs--built next gen leaders, - Earned UEI "Eff!" - Platinum First Sergeant! - 1st Sgt f/2 sq CCs/coached 16 SNCOs/62 FGOs; mng'd 4 NJPs/adverse actions/4 UIFs--rehab'd 7 Amn/saved careers - Pioneered bi-weekly 'Sergeant's Time'; prep'd 22 topics/clarified AF doctrine/bridged comm gap--culitvated 184 Amn Recommendation is to include education bullets on EPRs for TSgts and below. - Completed Professional Mngr cert/Human Resources CCAF degree requirements; inclined professional growth/skills CCAF/College - Engaged in off-duty education; aced 2 classes/6 credit hrs towards BA/Business Ldrship--3.5 GPA/degree on horizon - Higher Education focused; completed 24 credit hrs toward BA of Homeland Security--earned 3.9 GPA/75% complete - Preach'd higher education; complet'd 6 credit hrs f/CCAF degree/oversaw TA brief--mentor'd 15 prsnl toward Just recently, the first sergeants brought back an award recognition process to the KMC. - Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened, - Corrected 6 SDAP oversights; ID'd $9K overdue pay/liaised w/AFPC/finance--rectified mbrs recordsfiscal stability - Invested in future ldrs! - Defused 8 suicide warnings; sync'd w/medical spt/coach'd thru recoverywelfare #1 priority--members rtn'd to duty First Sergeant EPR Bullets; epr bullet generator 2020; Legal Office EPR Bullets; Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC and Additional Duty. EPR Bullet examples for the Leadership and Team Building block of the AF Form 911. Sometimes it takes a certain amount of motivation to get Airmen to change their behavior. - Coordinates with and encourages the use of referral agencies available--provide airmen info on resources available First Sergeant Epr Bullets Ex-Army sergeant admits to brutal stabbing death of soldier in Georgia barracks for 'snitching' Byron Booker, 29, of Ludowici, Georgia, pleaded guilty to premeditated murder in connection with the brutal stabbing death of Spc. First Sergeant Resume Sample. - Introduced state Spouse Unemployment bill; proposed to CA Chairman of Veteran affairs--earned NAF-equiv FSOY, - Motivated! - Unquestionable adherence to Air Force Core Values; Leads by example/holds subordinates to Air Force Standards - USAFE 3F5 SME! - QB'd IT tm f/3-day Shirt Symposium; config'd audio/vis suite--bolster'd trng/collab f/87 addt'l duty 1st Sgts across U-A - Recognized 2 NCOs at local council for Diamond Sharp awd; selected as 372 RCG Tuskegee Archer nominee Mapping the Bullets: Overall Assessments 8 6.1 Section VI--Rater Overall Assessment (first assessment block on EPRs) 8 6.2 Section VII--(Or Senior Overall Assessment (SNCO EPRs) 9 6.3 Bullet Order Of Precedence 9 6.4 Basic Rules For Top And Bottom Lines 9 6.5 OPR Backside Bullets--Last lines 9 6.5.1. Hit the ground running; immediate positive sq impact - continue to groom for Group 1st Sgt! It's the impact portion of the EPR Bullet, the positive result of an accomplishment, that give us the most frustration. - Led base Thanksgiving appreciation ceremony; procured 600 pies/100 turkey dinners/$7.7K--served 500+ SMC fams Funny Names To Call Your Friends, - Led IT tm f/3-day 1st Sgt Seminar; config'd audio/vis kit, virtual spt capes--equip'd qual arena f/87 U-A addt'l-duty shirts, - Led IT tm f/3-day Shirt Seminar; config'd audio/vis kit, virtual spt capes--dlvr'd mentorship f/87 U-A addt'l duty 1st Sgts - Led 2d ever Diamond Mudder event; org'd 8 mile crs/11 events/19 tms/30 vols/109 participants--raised $7.5K f/ FSC - Resolved 18 fam incidents/11 in-patient rehab; guided mbrs on domestic recovery/TBI--enabled msn ready engineers, - Revamped FCP x2 Sqs; impv'd process f/261 mbrs/digitized 29 recs/fixed 13 errors--100% execution/AFI compliant - Superb 1st Sgt/outstanding ldrshp; spt'd 1.8K msns/87% 12 hr fix rate--AMC best 99% mx DRR; promote to SMSgt! When your Troop Doesn't Play Ball Performed 1st Sgt/Flt Super duty during high tempo ops--ensured welfare/admin of 123 unit mbrs an example to Amn having PT difficulty; modeled fitness by running marathon, attempted 100-mile run, - Enforced standards; transported inmate to CONUS, exercised maturity/judgment; AF judicial system enforced, - Motivated! - Space force governor; managed 23 NJPs/UIFs/separations/courts-martial/Art 15s--enforced SOD for 5K service mbrs (end air force buy in lines) - Profound impact! Revitalized enlisted recognition program; crafted effective guidance for new AOQ program, - Attended 5-day 1st Sgt Symposium; gained admin/disciplinary/resource knowledge--armed to assume additional duty, - Accomplished 40hr 1st Sgt seminar; advisor on QoL issues/mentored 16 Amn--equipped as AF operational ldr, - Acquired $200 gift card from nat'l restaurant chain; fed recruiter fam of 6--alleviated Thanksgiving meal costs, - Acquired free mental health counseling for civ suicide attemptee--member returned to family/flt within 2 weeks, - Acting MDG 1st Shirt/3 wks; advised 5 sq CCs/340 medics--assisted admin of 2 UIF/Ctrl Roster, 1 Article 15, - Assisted NCO/family of 4 through identifying substance dependency; mbr successfully completed rehab prgm, - Attended Marriage Counseling Support seminar; enhanced ability to address marital disputes--CRB prepared, - Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened, - Cultivated high stds; accomplished 110 ABU/Blues uniform inspections--instilled professional military image. - 21 Space Wg servant; got local restaurants to support deployed families dinner--250+ member families served - Engaged w/CPTS & DFAS; highlighted oversights/issues w/13 Amn's pay--ensured $26K in lost pay returned to mbrs, - Led sq thru active shooter incident; ID'd spt agency comm shortfalls/liaised w/base ldrs f/fix--drove spt f/66.3K jt prsnl. - Add'l Duty 1st Sgt x43 days; resolved 7 MH issues/23 disciplinary actions/counseled 6 jr enl; upheld large 623 mbr sq Copyright EPRBullets.com Contact admin@eprbullets.com. This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. - Filled 1st Sgt position 6 mo; advised CC on health/welfare for 80 mbrs--enhanched org interpersonal communication First sergeants dedicate themselves to the needs of Airmen including their health, morale, discipline and welfare. - Administered awards, promotions & disciplinary actions with clarity and consistency--backed peers/supervisors And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. Leadership, Team Building, Followership, Mentorship. - Advised two wg CCMs; led 22 pers/8 vectored 8Fs--slashed court martial by 4/NJPs by 59/decreased Art 15 by 55% - Key to base professional dev; led 4 ALS 1st Sgt panels/4 sq crses/wkly stud mentorship--deliberately dev'd 453 Amn - Responded immediately to domestic incident; member received crucial emergency help - Airman back to 100% duty - Awd winner f/51FW's largest sq; served 492 in 12 AFSCs with PACAFs most robust FHP--earn'd Spirit of Bob Hope - Successfully completed SNCOA non-resident course; fully qualified First Sergeant ready to tackle enlisted challenges The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Master Sergeant Paulson culminate a distinguished career in the service of his country and reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. - Selected 1st Sgt f/63 days; guid'd 3 NJP/2 domestic violence/1 UIF--pivotal to good order/discipline & UCMJ system o investigated resources during a family crisis; uncovered family life insurance benefits for a Company member. Furthermore, as a critical mentor to installation military personnel and families, he was selected to guide and advise over 450 Airmen at 13 Wing panels and 70 new commanders at the Headquarters Pacific Command's Commanders' Course. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. - Earned 2nd AA degree; completed 12 crdt hrs/BS Bus Admin/HR Mgmt--ldrshp acumen tried/med read best/AFSPC - Steered CC thru 5 CRBs/admin separation/3 Art 15s/ADAPT TTM; ensured fair process/justice--rehabilitated 6 Amn The first sergeant works in concert with the superintendent to oversee the readiness, training, health, morale and quality of life of assigned personnel. - Employs crisis intervention techniques; equips/aids AD & families with deployment/stress mgmt tools and resources, - Enlisted leader; maintains morale, health, welfare, guidance, and Airman development for 62 member squadron - Supervised Fort Carson OEF redeployment; 4.1K troops/4.7K tons/22 msns--deployed warriors returned safe - Filled Sq 1st Sgt duty/3 wks; advised CC/mbrs/executed 3 admin actions--inspired 74 prsnl/supported Sq camaraderie - Provided guidance/mentorship for mbr/family after diagnosis/treatment for thyroid cancer-morale/spirits lifted! - Controls entry/exit to RAFL/RAFF; 3.5K+ vehs . - Assists the Commander in preparation/execution of ancillary training, resident SME on all military training programs Back to EPR Bullets. - Led unit thru 3 domestic abuse cases; advocated positive strategy w/case review committee--procured prof treatment - Academic Review Board mbr; performed 3 records reviews/interviews--objectively upheld PME values/100% grad rt - Spoke to FTAC, ALS, & SNCO panels on pitfalls and career progression; educated and influenced 80 Airmen - Built combat rdy units; drove IMR/CBRN/SABC trng--deployed 47 Amn f/17 global ops94% readiness rate f/2 Sq's Outstanding ldr, sprinting past peers, groom f/ldrshp; ready Flt/CC now--perfect for PDE soonest! Best Tips for Writing EPR Bullets. - Member of the base First Sergeant Council-served as President & Treasurer-providing leadership and support to peers - Spoke to FTAC, ALS, & SNCO panels on pitfalls and career progression; educated and influenced 80 Airmen o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited five immediate discharges. - Led Wg Qtr awds pgm; revised outdated script/boosted attendance--showcased 65 Amn/18 civs/SAFB Top Performers, - Led Wg's Dorm Recognition pgm; motivated 361 residents/enhanced qtrs/morale--8 Amn praised/coined by AMW/CC First sergeants dedicate themselves to the needs of Airmen including their health, morale, discipline and welfare. - Completed NCO professional enhancment crse; increasd knowledge, value to AF--commendable 86% class average First Sergeant, Current United States Air Force Tucson, Arizona. 136 promotions/3 ALS DGs/9 MXG team/2 ACC awds/4 AF-Lvl/17 grad/12 under grad degrees - Qualified Assistant 1st Sgt; provided coverage/advisory counsel to CC--ensured high moral/health for HQ personnel The problem is how to make those bullet statements sound good! He reestablished and managed the Family Care Plan and achieved 100 percent participation, meeting all requirements and ensuring members and their families were prepared for any extended separation. - Worked w/PAFB NCOA class; provided $1K+ Christmas toys & diapers--2 remote recruiter families assisted. - Coordinate/execute building 613 upgrades/repairs--provided additional storage/training area--increasing throughput - Maintains the highest level of integrity providing one on one counseling, leadership and guidance to all Airmen - ID'd Assembly Bill 306 error; coor'd amendment thru state office--CA legislation adopted/185K DoD fams defended - Voice for the enlisted force to the commander, ensures to up-channel needed information and suggested solutions - Add'l duty First Sergeant; attended 4 day First Sgt seminar--ensured health/morale/safety of 12 flt's/490 Amn! - Quickly reacted to mental health/homicide threat--mbr rcv'd crucial/timely emergency help/back to 100% duty, - Recognized 2 NCOs at local council for Diamond Sharp awd; selected as 372 RCG Tuskegee Archer nominee - Synchronized/conducted SAPR training 80+ geographically separated amn; CSAF policy cemented 0 incidents, - Team leader for dorm morale inspection--ensured the safety and well-being of 600+ non-prior-service students - Revived key spouse program, forged spouses initiative/recruited 11 spouses/coord'd 2 events--improved readiness EPR Bullet examples for the Standards Enforcement and Personal Adherence block of the AF Form 911. Further, Sergeant Johnson led and orchestrated a successful annual awards banquet for the Wing, improving morale and expanding camaraderie to new heights. - CC's focal pnt; mentored 613 psnl/16 AFSCs/15 work centers--allowed sustainment of 1K+ facs/$3.4B infrastructure Once in a while, even after being asked several times, an Airman will not provide any inputs at all. And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. - #X/XX Wg Lts! In addition, he facilitated the professional development of squadron members, reenforcing the commander's priorities, preserving good order and discipline, and assisting Airmen and their families. It seems that with the new changes 1206s will be written much more to ensure you can get that strat by being the NCO of the Year, etc. - Spearheaded and coordinated 459 ARW 1st sergeant off site; 12 1st sergeants trained--program benchmarked To contribute examples, use this form. - Developed formal "in-person" BTZ review; sharpened Amn skills & led NCO board--propelled 6 Amn to BTZ stripes First Sergeant EPR Bullets. - Rising 6 mentor; Oversight of cnvrsn frm Amn Cncl to Rsng 6; gave collect v voice to >1000 jr enlstd, - Sage advisor; guided sq commander thru 2 Art 15s/AWOL/DUI; upheld discipline/standards - accountability ensured - Combat lethality up from 72% to 94%; focused ldrs on Individual Med Readiness--maintained SECDEF's top priority - Fair/firm 1Sgt; advised CC on 13 admin actions/1 CM/2 art 15/provid'd spt to mbrs--bedrock of good order/discipline When accomplishments are listed in an annual performance report, they are limited to a single or sometimes two lines. - Wg Top III Treas/AAHC mentor; mng'd fundraising/led 17 committees/44 psnl--generated $23K toward QoL events - Restructured Key Spouse prgm; created 3 AORs for major metropolis coverage--produced instant supt for 1.1K fams - Bob Hope USO emissary; secured 189 tixs/sports evts/red carpet premieres--demo'd selfless devotion to unit's morale - Appoint'd sply bin row Chief; 8 rows/12K assets/$6.3M direct oversight--cement'd F16 SecDef MC rt (80%) directive - Executed DoD's housing mandate; tm contacted 2K residents/insp'd 202 homes/ID'd 418 issues--ignited base QoL spt, - Filled Sq 1st Sgt duty/3 wks; advised CC/mbrs/executed 3 admin actions--inspired 74 prsnl/supported Sq camaraderie, - Top notch leader! - Overhauled Family Care Program; ensured Airmen provided current & required information per AFI - 100% accurate, - Partnered w/DEA/CPS/SF f/drug/sex ring case; seized 676 needles/29g meth--child placed in safe locsaved 6 y/o life Thanks! - Fuel'd '19 Fair Weather FTD spt; sped F-16 emer tire/'grounding' rqmnt/$24K--dlvr'd 372 jt US/Portugese SEAD msns Filled sect chief pos; led 11 Amn/3K repairs--ensured fleet integritycatalyst to Wg's 9.6K flt hrs, - Selected Wg FTAC tm ldr; served 5 mos/mentored 84 prsnl on stds--imparted crucial ldrshp/secured transition, - Selected f/WIT; evaluated base Active Shooter exer highlighted two violations--safetied AFB/fortified compliance, - Skilled coordinator; led effort to update/implement multiple T.O.s and FW SUPPs--enhanced C2 w/ MXG personnel, - Spearheaded Sq PT program; 18 months of team oriented sessions; led to marked decrease in PT failures, - Spearheaded base-wide asset inventory; ID'd 1K WFSM assets--contributed to flawless Builder program launch, - Steered flt's 200 mx tasks/24-hr alert ops; 6 cmbt acft ready in <10 hrs--poised 31 FW to respond to int'l crisis, - Stepped up 7 days as 1st Sgt; initiated 1 discharge/2 adverse actions--upheld order & discipline f/166 Sq mbrs, - Supervised 4 sections; directed 1K unsched mx actions/6 ground emergencies--won 31 MXS '13 SNCO of Yr, - Supervised 425 hyd component repairs; returned $5.1M assets to AF supply system--enabled 9K flying hrs '12, - Supports Cdr w/candid input first, then executes with supportive attitude--increased morale among airmen, - Updated Worst Case Scenario OPLAN--implemented newly tasked UTC rqmts; ensured BW is wartime ready, - Validated 600 AEF taskings--100% analyzed/resolved; provided COCOMs w/essential war-ready capabilities, - Workcenter training manager; facilitated annual training with a group of 12 airmen; 100% members fully trained, - Competitively selected for RAS prgm; chosen to advise Sr Ldrs w/regional expertise--8% prgm selection rate, - Developed base's 1st full dining svc; "Boots Bar & Grill" lauded by families--$42K revenue/2 months/up 20%, - Authored/brief'd strategic concerns for CODEL; ID'd European force issues--Sen Fischer: "best I've ever seen", - Led largest Wing flt; DFAC/club/lodging/fitness--directly oversaw 183 mil & U.S./Italian civilians to spt 9.2K, - Revamped Unit PQDR program; Saved 302nd $200,497 in 1 year attributing to a 75% increase from last year, - Completed SEJPME course; honed joint ops leadership skills--enhanced 2 RAZOR TALON exercises/saved $37K, - Wing leader! - Worked w/PAFB NCOA class; provided $1K+ Christmas toys & diapers--2 remote recruiter families assisted. - Responded immediately to domestic incident; member received crucial emergency help - Airman back to 100% duty Your PFW comments will likely help you to write the EPR bullets more effectively. - Ferried 3 CC's thru 4 Art 15's; 4 admin seps/24 disciplinary actions thru Ops Gp--crit f/msn readiness & welfare - Active & visible mentor; mbr of 18 ldrshp panels--CC course/FTAC/NCO PES/SNCO PES/ALSinspired 661 prsnl - Filled Sq 1st Sergeant post; responded to drug/addiction, coord'd medical treatment--ensured mbrs well being - Organized prominent golf gala; led 36 mbr jt service tm/wounded warrior org--secured $100K ISO local disabled vet - Guid'd unit thru spouse drug OD/death; cntrl'd rumors/coord'd remains dispo/dependent adoption--sped healing f/mbr/sq, - Hand-picked as alt 1st Sgt; monitored health/welfare for 146 mbr sq f/6 days--relayed essential pandemic info to sq CC - Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened - Ferried CC through Art 15 process; 1 admin separation, sensitive civ complaint--maintained balanced justice cafb 14FTW First Sergeant Symposium Growth Train mentor - Direct'd 186 prsnl actions/rehabed 6 late-bloomers--fueled msn rdy force/9 dplymnts/2K DVs/93T cargo/23K part rqmts Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. Revised AFI 36-2911 Desertion The Form 911 was developed to complement the senior NCO feedback form: Air Force Form 932, Airman Comprehensive Assessment worksheet, which is for master sergeant through chief master sergeant. - Attended Marriage Counseling Support seminar; enhanced ability to address marital disputes--CRB prepared, - Built combat rdy units; drove IMR/CBRN/SABC trng--deployed 47 Amn f/17 global ops94% readiness rate f/2 Sq's, - CAA's #1 go-to! Provided tools to Amn having difficulty with PT; monitored progress--decreased fitness failures, - Provides the Commander a motivated & ready enlisted force to execute the mission in a professional timely manner all maps fatal bullet; who is running for senate in maryland 2022
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