The function of this entity is to describe the resources associated with a Company Team. If the time entry dialog box is open for a long time, the Quick Edit fields can be changed by another user or a workflow rule. Each entity type object contains an array of properties that describe instances of the entity type. To learn more, refer to The Rich Text editor. If the ticket has no associated posted items and Ticket.AccountID is changed, any associated (non-posted) Contract, TimeEntries, or TicketCosts are set to Null, along with any Service or ServiceBundle items associated with the TimeEntries or TicketCosts. The fields that do appear show the following differences: A Keep Current option is available and is the default. A WorkTypeModifier entity modifies a given Work Type BillingCode. Update Status on {#} incident(s) (tickets only). If there is already text in the Resolution field, two line breaks will separate the existing text from the text added. The Ticket entity can have no more than 300 UDFs. I am using CyberDrain PowerShell module but I am clearly missing something. The entity exists for billing use purposes. var uri = '' + document.location.href; /**/Want to tell us more? Everything else looks correct! Set up the Autotask trigger, and make magic happen automatically in Microsoft Excel. It allows you to configure tiered or volume pricing for the billing product. NOTE If the InstalledProduct value is not being updated, and for some reason it is already associated with an Account that is different from the Ticket Account, the update() will not fail. The function of this entity is to describe the tax rate for a specific billing item. Refer to Finding resource and child access URLs of REST API entities to learn how to locate these paths. This entity contains attachments for the Opportunities entity. If there is no Contract Service or Bundle SLA, then check the Contract. I have taken the Resource location "15" from the below page on autotask because while creating the api user I have selected the location as "Headquarters". This entity's purpose is to describe a note associated with an Autotask Contract. Open the Kaseya Helpdesk. In Picklist, an inactive TicketCategory displays in italic text. All text formatting and images will be lost.; This entity contains the attachments for the SalesOrders entity. Provide feedback for the Documentation team, To retrieve more detailed information specific to a particular Autotask implementation, use the Web Services API call. Don't assume anything incl. The API-only user's security level must allow impersonation on the entity type. It describes whether a ServiceBundle on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. This entity's purpose is to describe a multi-level approval record for an Autotask time entry. When querying, a small number of entities contain fields that you cannot query. Ticket Date Completed by Complete Project Wizard, Ticket Department Name OR Ticket Queue Name, Service Level Agreement Paused Next Event Hours, This entity will be read-only if the module with which it is associated is not active. This entity contains the attachments for the Resources entity. This entity's purpose is to describe a Quote in Autotask. This entity describes an Autotask Project. This entity manages the tags associated with tickets in Autotask. Need troubleshooting help? The impersonated resource must have permission to act as configured in the other sections on the Edit Security Level page. You can make this a default setting. This entity describes an Autotask Notification, as listed in the Notification History page. When a ticket category is applied and it changes the value of ChangeApprovalType, the field will be updated even if the ticket type does not = ChangeApproval. If the time entry page is open for a long time, it is possible for the Status field to be changed by another user or a workflow rule. The integration uses the Autotask Web Services API for automatic ticket creation in Autotask. User-defined fields are custom fields that each Autotask customer can add to their Company, Contact, Opportunity, Sales Order, Projects, Products, Assets, Ticket, and Tasktables. I am using CyberDrain PowerShell module but I am clearly missing something. resource and child collection access URLs, Resource and child collection access URLs, Finding resource and child access URLs of REST API entities, Allow impersonation of resources with this security level, ArticleConfigurationItemCategoryAssociations, WebhookExcludedResources (REST), ConfigurationItemBillingProductAssociations, Using Swagger UIto explore REST API requests, Need troubleshooting help? This entity describes an Autotask Contract Rate. Open the Kaseya Helpdesk. Ticket User-Defined Field: When you select a User-Defined Field, the extension call will be triggered only for tickets that . Configure your support email address. For the OpportunityID field, Opportunity.AccountID must = Ticket.AccountID. Some resources contain additional objects in child collections; these resources have an additional Child collection access URLs field in their Online Help articles. On update, a TicketCategory cannot be updated to another TicketCategory that is inactive. This entity contains notes for Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. Any entities or attachments that the account creates will be attributed to "APIUser." The configurationItemType associates one or more user-defined fields with assets of the same type. Create Workflow Rules to Set Ticket Severity Level In Autotask, you can set the ticket severity level by creating workflow rules using information provided in the Ticket Title or Description fields. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above. Gettings 721 tickets based on a title filter: "Title eq hello!"; Field is cleared when ticket comes out of Waiting Customer status and is recalculated every time ticket goes back into Waiting Customer status. With the granular ticket security features implemented in the 2016.1 release, the API Ticket entity will respect the View, Add, and Edit permissions assigned to the logged in end user, EXCEPT the API will not respect the 'Mine + Accounts' setting. The ArticleTicketAssociations entity records existing associations between tickets and Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. 'Mine + Accounts' will be treated as 'None.' This entity contains the attachments for the ExpenseReports entity. For String datatypes, the number in parentheses ( ) indicates the maximum number of characters allowed. If you use the Kaseya RMM Extension, tickets generate by using Incoming Email Processing. For more information on granular ticket security, refer to the Online Help topic: Update() is allowed on a Ticket with an inactive attribute value if that value is not being changed. This data will not change during update operations. If recipients are added or removed from the To: field on the Notification panel, the matching role-based check boxes will become selected or cleared. This entity describes a ticket category applied to tickets in Autotask to specify features and fields that appear on the ticket detail. Refer to WebhookFields (REST API). Saves and closes the note or time entry and opens the Forward/Modify Ticket(s) page. This entity's purpose is to describe an asset category. This entity represents associations between asset categories and documents in Autotask. The application records an error when the maximum number of retries (5) have occurred for an event, but the payload could not be delivered. An opportunity is a forecasted piece of business; an identifiable prospect that needs a product or service and offers a potential sale, project, or contract. Form template settings will override any previously populated field content, including notification settings, additional contacts, and secondary resources. This includes the category field itself. If the current priority is inactive, update() is allowed if the Priority value is not changed, or if Priority is changed to an active value. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. You can only create it; you cannot query or update it. This entity represents checklist libraries related to documents in Autotask. Read-Only:Read-Only fields cannot be changed by, Required: Required fields must be present when you attempt a. This object describes Expense Reports created in Autotask; its purpose is for the submission of expense line items for approval and reimbursement. It does not describe transactions where an Inventory Item is associated with a Company as an Asset. We're using Power Apps to capture information and then Flow passes it to Autotask, i can pull information using GET but unable to create anything. When you enable the Organizational Structure feature in Autotask, this object describes an organizational structure Line of Business. TicketType must = Incident before the ticket can be associated with a ProblemTicketID. Create Quote. This entity contains the attachments for the CompanyNotes entity. Log into Autotask and navigate to the menu on the left and click on Admin If you open this dialog box or page from the Edit [Entity] page, the section containing this field will not appear, and this field will not be editable. This entity describes an Autotask Quote Template that defines the content and appearance of an Autotask Quote. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. You cannot use the API to create items that contain Rich Text, but you can add Rich Text later via a supported method. ChangeApprovalStatus can only be set to Requested or Assigned. Here is the code I tried (after authenticating). Have an idea for a new feature? Create a Ticket in Autotask using Powershell 27 Aug 2015. Creates a ticket note. Only form templates that are available to all selected tickets categories can be selected. The API user security level has access to contact impersonation for tickets. } Notes can be searched and viewed from one place using the Global Notes Search, accessed from > Home >Search > Global Notes Search or > Reports > Other >General. Each of the entities inherits from the Autotask base class Entity. IMPORTANT By default, notes and time entry pages launched from a task or ticket in New, Edit, or View mode open in a modal dialog box. The function of this entity is to describe the number of units of a specific service bundle with an association to a Recurring Service contract for a specific date range. Thanks for your feedback. IMPORTANT Although you can query all resources, some objects contain fields that you cannot query. We then put time entries in through Autotask. The API can complete a ticket that has one or more incomplete 'Important' Checklist items. Enter the recipient email address in the Email API Token to (optional) field and click Email Token (Optional) The sent email includes the API Key and the server URL to query. If the ticket catgeory = 'RMA', the TicketType is set to 'Change Request', regardless of the value that is supplied. } ChangeApprovalBoard must reference an active Change Approval Board. For a list of all currently available entities, refer to the , or check the Online Help's table of contents. Tickets and project tasks share the same list of statuses. [CDATA[*/ The following table describes the standard Autotask field objects for this entity. A cost is a billing item for products or materials. This entity describes an instance of hardware, software, or a material item in Autotask that a company sells or supports for customers. You can configure API Only security levels to allow the impersonation of other resources on supported endpoints. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? In this section, you add new attachments. How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. This object describes Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items), other than the primary Assets (Ticket.configurationItemID). This entity contains the attachments for the TimeEntries entity. This entity describes an adjustment to the quantity of units of a Service Bundle that are added to a Recurring Service Contract. Is there any way for you to see what the response from Autotask is? You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAPAPIcall. For child collection access URLs and specific entity names, refer to the individual articles linked in the List of Entities section of this article. It has code to get popular entities like accounts, tickets, contacts etc. I use the Powershell API to create tickets based on an Excel spreadsheet. Enter your API credentials and then click Connect. The ticket category controls which fields appear here and in what order. Although the data will remain intact and will be reportable, it will not be viewable in the ticket in Autotask. When updating a field that has Rich Text, the APIwill return the text-only version of the field. In Autotask, you can create ticket categories that are identified as API-Only. If selected, the text entered into the Summary Notes (on time entries) or Description field (on ticket notes) will be appended to the end of the Resolution field on all of the tickets incidents. Access to version 1.6 will deactivate in Q4 2024. /* Are There Sharks In Anguilla, Jordan Burroughs Net Worth, Nursing Courses In Qatar, Articles A